Dear Diary

Bromm's Journal

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8 September

Location: Aerie peak

Sparse showing at the unit meeting tonight. Just M, Jo, Marbelma, and myself.

We took on another new recruit earlier in the week. A human paladin named Ansovald. An unusual name, even for a human. He was a bit stiff, and shared that he has served in military units most of his life. He seems quite capable and well-trained in terms of taking orders and military bearing. We shall see if he is able to mix well with the others and perform in the field.

I got a report from M earlier in the week as well. Came from Mamua's reconnaissance patrol in the Ghostlands, seeking out information on those dark ranger spirits (banshees?). Apparently they were tracked to a pair of abandoned Scourge ziggurats flanking the Dead Scar in the Ghostlands. It doesn't seem like they are abandoned any longer. Forsaken troops were seen crawling all over the place. M believes that the dark rangers will have new bodies by the next time we meet. I fear that in my caution we may have missed a chance to end them while they were vulnerable. I'd rather our Servitors be cautious than dead though. Troubling that the Forsaken have been able to repossess Scourge infrastructure for their own machinations. I cannot say I am surprised, but it worries me, and makes me wonder what other devices they may be trying to harness that we are not aware of.

At the unit meeting, M shared that we have been requisitioned to accompany a relic collector on a dig in Voldun. That will be happening this week. She said he is a private collector and that we will mainly be serving guard duty due to the heavy troll presence. Even in the desert where they apparently banish their own people, the Zandalari still have interests in what lies beneath its sands.

Jo mentioned that the murlocs we have seemingly befriended (I cannot spell their tribal name for the life of me, Jo refers to them as 'wall-eye' murlocs) have made it to Nazjatar and linked up with the Foxfire company whom they helped free from the naga in the Wetlands. It looks like we may be heading to the sea floor soon.

Somewhat relatedly, I shared that the Storm's Wake sent out the call for reinforcements in Stormsong on its western shore. It seems they have been encountering increased naga presence in the region and are in need of bolstering their defenses. I am leading a team to link up with a contingent of Storm's Wake garrisoned at Fort Daelin next Thursday. I pray that our efforts will help lead to a safer land for the Kul Tiran people. The valley especially has had a near-unending string of misfortune. Perhaps we can change that.

I'll be giving the next storytelling night next Monday. I told them we are meeting in Ratchet and hosting the evening on the hills overlooking Fray. Jo visibly shuddered at the name. She was there most recently I think. Went to recover something we may have left behind. I cannot remember.

I'll be in Boralus this week, meeting with High Command and Proudmoore Admiralty on reports of the naga. Hopefully the situation does not escalate too much before we arrive. Light help us all.


16 September

Location: Ratchet

I'm writing this entry from a small camp I've set up just outside Ratchet. It's on the tidal stair overlooking the sea and Fray Island.

Fray - the name is so simple yet so full of meaning and memory.

Tonight I hosted another storytelling, this one covering the first year the Servitors were around. It was hard because it was a time that I wasn't there and no one except Jo and Davvi are still around to remember it. Thankfully I knew enough from Philomene, Ser, Mae, Brudinna, and Rykkar to share a decent bit of stories.

Unfortunately, most of the official mission reports and such from that time were lost when Fray was taken by the Bloodsail. I think it went well though.

Light I hope I am doing a good thing and not making a fool of them or dishonoring their deeds and memories. I just want the actions and people who have worn our tabard to not be forgotten. Those that came before us, as examples for who we are today. I think our new folk understand, and some seem eager to hear more. I just hope I'm doing a good job.

Jo was there, along with Rian'vys and that Leafrope fellow. It was small but good. We roasted sausages and shared rum - I thought it was fitting for the location.

No funny business from the Horde, goblins, or pirates either, which was a mercy. I was a bit worried how safe it would be, and I didn't want to get into trouble only a few nights before heading to Stormsong. What we face there will take a lot of effort, having this more quiet and easy time together was a good relaxation before the more dangerous work.

Fray - how long it has been since I sat in the sands of the beach, speaking with Mae and Coehen; or training in the yard with Commander Garravore or Aasyllii; or sharing stories and knowledge with Philomene or El. Such a long time ago, but the island itself has changed hardly at all, save for the pirates.

It was good to see the island again, to revisit old memories. I hope there will be another decade ahead on which to look back on. Light willing we live that long.


19 September

Location: Seabreeze Village, Stormsong Valley

It's late, nearing midnight here. I've just gotten out of my armor and settled in to a cot inside the inn here. It's crowded, but warm at least. The early fall chill is settling in, even along the warm coasts of Stormsong.

It was a long and bloody night. Rode here with Jo, Tally, Rian'vys, and Mamua, from Brennadam. Finally getting out here to help against the naga incursions.

I could tell as soon as we arrived that our aid was needed, not just ours but any aid - the Lieutenant put on a good face but I could tell she was exhausted. The villagers and soldiers too. I knew that early on the naga had raided the coast, but they had been thrown back and the land was safe for most of the year.

It wasn't until the whole affair in Nazjatar began that the naga renewed their aggression on the western coast. But that's been some month already, and even with a steady stream of reinforcements, the long grinding defense of one's home against a seemingly ceaseless enemy will wear even the stoutest of soldiers down.

They had evacuated all the civilians. One wonders why they even left the soldiers then, other than the locations was a defensible position and strategic in keeping the naga from going inland. I wonder how far the sea snakes can slither before they dry up?

As expected, the naga came shortly after nightfall. It was horrible - we didn't know they were there until they were on top of us -a frostbolt flew past my head and killed a man behind me, another fell to a myrmidon with a trident. We held our ground - we five Servitors and the twenty-odd Kul Tirans.

It's been a while since I saw them in combat, and I forgot how unnatural their movements are - like a snake mixed with a man, unpredictable and deadly fast. We killed all but one but they took four of the Kul Tiran lives.

Jo and Tally had an idea to drop depth charges in the bay, and Rian wants to try searching for their hiding hole. They are eager to kill. But I do not think this will be a quick affair, nor do I think we are enough to stand against their full might. Time will tell.

I am going to their Fort Daelin tomorrow to meet with the garrison Commander. I will see what aid the Servitors can lend these sea people, cut off from much of the rest of their kingdom and aid. Out on the frontier where water meets earth.

I pray that the tides do not swallow us up.


24 September

Location: Fort Daelin

Fifth day stationed here on the western coast of Stormsong. Each one has been eventful in some way or another.

The naga seem to have a two day pattern to their attacks. A night of raiding and a night of rest. This does not appear to diminish their efforts, if anything their threat grows each time, as if growing upon what the previous raids have given them. It is an unsettling thought but fitting - like an ever constant break of wave upon stone, eventually the stone will crack.

Fort Daelin is the stone. I pray that with our efforts, it will not crack.

Raid last night so tonight should be quiet, though that does not seem to comfort anyone's nerves. All of the soldiers and militia seem wary of any changing naga tactics, which bodes well. Commander Cojax has done well in that regard. I have not written of him yet. He is a formidable man, of clear Kul Tiran make. He reminds me a bit of Coehen Nash, tall, strong, quiet, but smart and decisive. His troops have demonstrated good training and have followed orders well, even in the face of chaotic naga assaults.

I spent some time last night and this morning in the infirmary, lending my hands and Light triaging the wounded. Can't say irs the first time I've treated naga wounds but I am beginning to recognize what to look for when they're brought in. Trident punctures or lacerations, typically on the abdomen; bite marks on limbs from snapdragons but also the naga themselves; frostbite from sorceress magic. So far their doctors and lenders have managed to save life and limb of a good number of the battalion. By their efforts the garrison will hold out weeks longer than one would expect. 

I am brewing some laceration mending potions and scar reducers this afternoon. I'll need to check on those in a minute.

Light grant us a peaceful and safe night this night.



6 October

Location: Aerie Peak

Been a busy few weeks it has. I returned from Stormsong earlier today on a ship from Boralus. Docked in at Menethil near mid-day and I flew the rest of the way back to Aerie Peak right before the unit meeting.

Been slogging it out against the naga in Fort Daelin and this was my first day off the line. We had a major attack on Wednesday. The entire fort was surrounded and the naga brought up these huge harpoon-launchers that were firing all over the fort. It was artillery though so their aim was quite poor but it was terrifying every man, woman, and child holed up inside. Landing all over the yard, in trees, in walls, and people even. I sounded out a call for aid over the COMM and thankfully Rian'vys, Mamua, Jo, and Tally were able to make it. The five of us were put in charge of pushing back the naga on the north side of the fort and recapturing an outer guard tower that had been overrun in the initial attack. I haven't seen Rian or Mamua in too many scraps but I was impressed they held their own. A bit disturbing how Mamua can just abandon her host body and attempt attacks or possession at a whim. Came in some handiness getting into the tower but leaving your body out in the middle of a siege? Might be unwise.

Jo and Tally put their engineering and firearm heads together to get a big canon firing from atop the tower we captured and took out two of their harpoon launchers. That, combined with the rest of the garrison's defense, sent the sea worms wiggling back to the depths. My ears might still be ringing from the sound of that gun inside the tower. I have no idea how their men manage it but I'm sure if they live long enough to not die in combat, they must all go deaf. Seemed to really get to Rian. Maybe its his elven ears being sensitive? I'll need to check on him when I see him.

Unit meeting today was fairly short and small. Only Jo, M, Snowshoe, Mamua, and myself. Gave my report on the naga. Marbelma mentioned that Command had requested we check out a shipwreck down in Tiragarde. Not sure when they decided to go around our officers and ask Marbelma directly. I'll need to check with our liaison in Boralus, I wonder if he's been reassigned? I gave a short lesson on the Rule of Six. Trying to do some re-learning for the unit at each of our meetings going forward. Sorry to see that Marbelma and Mamua couldn't remember them. Worst was Jo. Fel, its one thing for the newer and enlisted folk to not know, but an officer? I might need to speak with her about that. Mamua also informed us of her intent to lead an attack on those dark rangers that holed up in a ziggurat in the Ghostlands.

And that went a bit against the last bit of news I have to write - that it was declared across the Alliance that there is an end to the war between the Horde and Alliance. The "Fourth War" as it is being commonly termed. A bit presumptuous and offensive perhaps to those who fought in the first three, but I can't speak for that I suppose. Apparently the banshee wench went and fled from Orgrimmar after unfairly killing that orc Saurfang in that weird orc tradition of single combat. Can't say I'm all that surprised, but I am somewhat relieved. I don't think anyone wanted another Garrosh incident. Laying siege to that orc den for another eight months would have been a nightmare. The alternative isn't much better - having to worry about where the erstwhile Forsaken leader and warchief is hiding and where she may strike again - but a declared peace is better than outright war.

After the meeting I went on up to Truk's and celebrated with a few rounds alongside the Wildhammers. They were in a right good state and it was good to share a few pints and sing some songs with them, even if they are different than what I know from home.

Peace. It's something to celebrate, but not for too long. Still all sorts of threats out there without the Horde. We can have a night to breath at least. Praise the Light for that.


12 October

Location: Fort Daelin

What a week.

I got back to Fort Daelin today. Left Stormwind on a ship near dawn and arrived in Boralus before heading overland with Bruce and a few crates of supplies. It was mid-day when we made it in to the Fort. I've been busy setting to brewing potions and handing out the supplies from our stores at the Peak and my own herbs from Ironforge. Seems the naga did not get the notice that there was a peace made and have kept up their raids on the coast while I was away.

After Sunday, I spent Monday at the Keep going over paperwork, catching up on missed correspondence that was at my desk while I've been out here, updating duty rosters, sending out monthly stipends, writing notices to friends and family about the declaration of peace, just in case they hadn't heard yet.

Tuesday saw me in Ironforge where I checked in with Grimgouge on the warehouse and to see how well the herbs were trading. The delivery of my gatherings from Kul Tiras had reached him on Saturday and was a good boon to the stocks. We deliberated on how much of the stores we could send out to Fort Daelin for necessary potions for healing and recovering from these attacks.

The rest of the week I was stuck in different war peace ? councils in Stormwind with many of the other paramilitary and mercenary outfits. There was a lot to go over in deciding when and where and what was needed in terms of combat strengths and assets, now that the peace was declared. High Command was cutting ties with a lot of the mercs as without an all out war anymore, they could not justify the coin being spent on supplementary forces. The 423rd is still in with Command, as are many of the other longer tenured and establish units. But I am not sure for how long. Our situation in Kul Tiras actually helped our cause as they certainly did not wish to dismiss a unit that was actively aiding the newly reunited Kul Tiran allies. As I will be in Fort Daelin for the foreseeable future, I will need to make sure to get updates from M, Jo, and Tally on where we stand. I trust them to argue our cause.

That reminds me, I had to exclude Roiya from that list, of my fellow Commanders and Advisors. She has left the Servitors. I still am not sure if I understood the entire details, but it seems that with the end of the war with the Horde, she has been reassigned in some manner. I don't believe it is from High Command as they don't have that sort of authority over us, but perhaps with her Kaldorei order, or maybe she was tapped by the Retribution. I know she's had a long history with them and Judeann especially. It wouldn't surprise me. It makes me sad though. Roiya was always pretty serious but she knew what she was doing and she was powerful. She'll leaves some big shoes to fill, both as the head of the Academe and as a powerful shadowcaster.

Wednesday as I was on my way to the Recluse for dinner after the first long day of councils, I ran into Mamua and Nia just outside. Seems they ran into each other by happenstance as well, Nia reognizing the tabard on Mamua's robes. The three of us shared a table, drinks, and dinner (well, Mamua didn't ingest anything but we shared conversation). I was a bit surprised with how much Nia has grown, as well as how independent she is! Jo was in the harbor but was letting the lass wander about the City all on her own! She's as curious as ever, asking about the peace talks, what the Servitors are doing. It funny, I see a similar look in her eye and hear an excitement in her voice that reminds me of myself as a lad, eager to head off to help fight orcs and trolls in the First War, instead of sticking around Dun Morogh and picking at copper. I probably sounded like Da telling Nia to not rush to grow up and get involved in the grim business of fighting and dying that her mothers and the rest of us employ ourselves in. She seemed sated when we discussed translating, sounds like she's got quite a knack for languages (even told me the difference between High and Low dwarvish, which in my mind would just relate to singing), and Mamua offered to bring her things to decipher in New Tinkertown. We'll see what Jo and M say about that.

Nia left once it got fair dark and I pray she made it alright to Jo. I didn't hear anything on the COMM so I assume she did. Mamua. She's an interesting one. Leaps and bounds more coherent than when I first met her. I wonder if inhabiting a body has helped to ground her thoughts? We spoke a bit about her memory. She says they are not really returning or if they are its muddled and frantic. And she says there's a near constant stream of voices running in her head. One wonders how she is able to think and act clearly with all that extra commentary. She told me that she likes the Servitors, and does not know where she would be without us. I think it's good we can act as a home, an anchoring point for her. We have for so many others over the years, why not her? We talked about the Day of the Dead approaching. I think she fears what may happen if she tries to engage in any sort of celebration. She says she wishes to remain with us, not get sucked off to the "other side" or whatever it may be. Having walked in the Shadowlands in pursuit of the Unnamed, I can say I would prefer the same. She's right busy lately I should think, planning an attack on the zigguray, and doing some scouting for the naga around Fort Daelin. I guess being dead helps with having more time to do these things but I hope she doesn't get spread thin.

Light is fading here in the west cost of Stormsong. I'd best head off and get geared up for the night watch. I pray we do not see battle this night.

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