Dear Diary

The Path of the Shaman and Izarre's Big Box of Papers

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My dearest Izarre,

I have news for you. Folcan has asked me to marry him. Needless to say I said yes. He makes me happy, my dearest friend. You and I both know I love my Lions, and that now a days they are a large part of my reason for staying on Azeroth but for a long time, it was him. My third husband who isn't of our kin. You know my fears. They're the same we shared with the other two. He is mortal. He has but one life to give and I doubt I can give him a family. I don't think I can bare his children. These crosses are always unpredictable and difficult. I think in the end, that always matters. I think once we're settled, once the world is closer to peace, or perhaps once he is older, it will matter. He would be a good father Izarre. What do I do then?

Your student, Zerov has told me that you had found someone, and were happy when you died. It gives me a happiness you couldn't understand to know that. At the same time I must admit that I am dreadfully curious as to who it was. If you loved him, I'm sure its someone I know. Someone that with a small turn of events would probably have become important in my life quite soon. I like thinking about these things. The only thing wrong with it is that in the end it always brings me back to the fact that you've passed, and I remain. I know you've found a peace that I've yet to know. It is a dark kind of envy, I know. I wish these letters would be replied. I wish we could sit and talk about our life together. There's so much only could understand. 

Anyway, that day will come. Zerov has become one of Folcan's best friends. I hope that speaks to you highly of my husband to be. We both know that our choice of men has been less that optimal in the past. I rather you not have to take my word on it. I've yet to find out just how close you and Zerov were, or how much of an influence you had on him, but you did well with him. He is an example of what we should be. 

I miss you. Now and always.

Rest well, and at peace, my friend.



Izarre slipped out quietly before dawn. She didn't want to wake Folcan. This was something she wanted to do alone and knew he wouldn't let her. Once she was dressed and far enough away so that magical bullshit wouldn't wake anyone she activated the High Vindicator's insignia and in the blink of an eye was sent through space and time to Karabor. She spent the morning tracking down people, the afternoon and evening in the kitchen, and finally, by nightfall, she had a motherly ample supper ready on the table and gathering of a large dozen of her children around her. This kind of family meetings was always somewhat awkward. Her children came from so many different places and times that many only knew each other in passing and some had never even met. It was a sad consequence or time, and a promiscuous mother. Tonight, however, it was all really about just one of them but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep herself together if she was just with her. 

Zuriah, her beloved Zuriah. Not only was she one of Izarre’s youngest, but even though a mother would never admit it, one of her favorites. Zuriah was everything Izarre was not. She was everything that Izarre had always hoped for all of her children, and had rarely been able to provide or inspire. She was a child of peace. She knew that eternal warfare was a curse of the Draenei. She had lived it. It wasn’t that she wasn’t amazingly proud of her children in arms, but the Zuriah had never been one for spells, arms or armor. She was a musician. She was a singer.  Her skill with the harp greatly surpassed Izarre’s skill with the blade, and among the Draenei, her voice was considered a gift to her people. She was sweet, kind, and lived to fill the hearts of those around her with joy. 

Their love was mutual. Izarre had always been the light of Zuriah’s life. Not only was she the mother had had cherished her every single day but she was also the epitome of a Draenei. She was the shining example of a Draenic Vindicator. Zuriah, unlike most Draenei, had never woken up afraid in the dead of night or had nightmares of death and devils. She had always felt safe under the watchful eye of her mother and knew her kind would always be safe while she was there. She knew full well that the reason she could spend her life in song was because of people like her  and Izarre would forever be their symbol in Zuriah’s eyes. 

It wasn’t long after dinner before Zuriah begun to play. She sung songs of wonderful worlds long lost. She sung songs of the beauty of the Nagrand sky. She even sung an ode to her father that Izarre hadn’t heard. It took every single bit of her ample will to not break down in tears. Finally after the songs were done and her children had left, Zuriah remained. She sad by Izarre and hugged her mechanical arm for a moment before shuffling around her and hugging her real arm, laying her head on Izarre’s shoulder. “This one feels better.” she said in her sweet voice and remained there for a moment. “I have something to tell you.” Izarre turned to look at her daughter, tucking her hair behind her ear and did her best to smile. “What’s that Zuzu?” Zuriah let go of her mother’s arm, shuffled in front of her and took her hands in hers. “Kalar and I are getting married, we’re having a child together…”. That was too much for Izarre to bear. She knew the cruel outcome of her child’s love in an ever-plausible and looming reality. She broke down and cried, hugging her child tightly. Zuriah’s sweet voice and giggle broke her sobs. “And here I was thinking it would make you happy.” Izzy pulled back trying to compose herself. “It does my love…It really does. It’s been…a hard few moths, and an emotional day…a bit too much for an old lady.” She kissed her daughters brow tenderly and continued. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother.” 

They sat for hours, talking at times but mostly watching the fire in silence. Izarre didn't speak out loud, but in her mind, she looked into the fire and asked her friend, begged him not to harm her daughter. She knew it was pointless but still, it was all she could do. 

She returned home late at night and curled up next to a sleeping Folcan, looking for his arms. She wept until sleep finally took her. Izarre had never had never lacked nightmares. She had lived through more horrors than she could remember. Tonight, a new one was added to her repertoire, one which would haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. Somewhere, sometime, a Draenei burned. She heard her hopes, she felt her dreams, and in the dark, she heard her screams as fire purged all that was beautiful from her little girl. 



*a heavily tear stained letter*

My dearest Izarre,

I’m sorry I haven’t written. I know it’s been a long time and a lot has happened that I haven’t had the heart to tell you about. Where to start? Should I start with the good news or end with it to make the rest a little less bad? I wonder if everything I’m going to tell you, you already know. If you can see us and watch over us from where you are. If you even come by the cenotaph I put up for you to read these letters. Well, here it goes.

Zuriah, your Zuriah has come into my life.  She is, for lack of better words broken, both physically and spiritually. She is the worst victim of fel fire I’ve ever seen remain alive. I’m so sorry Izarre. I’m so sorry I came to your reality too late to save her from what she’s become.  Only her hatred of the Legion keeps her spirit from giving up. Only her mastery of the arcane keeps her body functional and allows her to move. Only her drugs keep her from feeling like she’s burning constantly. I’m trying my dear, everyday, with all my Light and Elemental magics to soothe her body, to cleanse her of her pain. I’m trying, everyday, with all my love to soothe her soul and put out her hatred. Izarre, I’m trying. All our years, all our children, all our students and I just don’t know how to help her. I just don’t know. Help me. Please? Help me find a way. I promise I won’t give up on her. I promise I’ll give her all the comfort a mother can give. She should have died. She should be with you, and her family. No one should suffer the way she has. No mother should have to witness this.

*the following was scratched out furiously*

More bad news. Something is wrong with Zerov. I don’t know what it is but I’m very worried. I don't know why, but I am. Folcan won’t tell me. He says that it if gets bad enough he will. If it gets bad enough. That just means that he thinks that whatever is happening, will get to be bad enough. He won’t tell me. We’re to be wed in months and he won’t tell me. I suppose there are secrets between human couples. It hurts. You and I, we both like to be able to help people, specially those we love. You gave your life so Zerov and so many others could live and now I have to sit with my arms crossed, knowing my friend is in trouble.

Folcan is to start working with his Lighforge. The way I figure it's a forge which uses pure Light instead of fire to smelt metals and in the process imbue them with its power. The whole idea came from some writing he found from some long dead smith who had a similar system working and I’d usually pen this up as good news but I’m worried. While we were recovering some of the necessary items I caught a glimpse of what I believe to be the dead smith’s spirit.  There was something unsettling about him. He seemed changed…metallic. Folcan insists it’s probably just an effect of the vision I had. I hope he’s right. I have my doubts. I’m not sure what exposure to that amount of Light can do to a human.

My darling Skybrooke is back. It’s bittersweet news. We all thought she was dead. Instead, she was taken prisoner and judging from her looks, no doubt tortured and probably worse. I’ve yet to talk to her about it. There’s no need. If ever she wants to talk about it, I’m sure she’ll let me know. I’ve finally convinced her to stay with Folcan and I. I think she needs to be cared for and loved right now. She wakes up screaming in the night and at times seems unable to ascertain her surrounding, who we are or what is happening.  I hope she’ll stay longer, as long as she needs, until she feels safe. I’m happy to care for her and help her recover from whatever she has suffered. To make things worse, she came home to find her idiot partner had turned into one of those so called Demon Hunters. Have you heard of them? Elves the lot of them. Elves who have lost. Elves who in their pain and anger have consumed the hearts of demons to steal their power and use it against them in this war. Weak elves who gave into their pain. Abominations. Coming home after being a prisoner of the Legion to find the man you love become part demon. My poor Sky. Instead of returning to her family she returned to find the enemy claimed her partner as well. Weak, idiotic fool. No one else has lost, right? No one else is in pain and anger. Lets all just give in to anger and hate and look to easy power to get revenge. That can’t go wrong. What a waste of a perfectly good druid.

Light damn it all. Insubordination, reckless endangerment of Servitor lives, five dead. Zerov got himself thrown out of the unit. M told me. M. Too light damned late for me to do anything to avoid any of this. Too Light damned late. If only Folcan had said something while there was still time. M said he was on a path to shadow. Fuck Izarre. You don’t know M. I don't know M. But I know that if SHE says that, its bad. That gnome has walked, and lived in the absolute darkness more than anyone I know. M told me. M came to me to tell me. Also to late buth she told me. I don’t know what the fel it is he’s gotten himself into. He calls it a game. A light damned game Izarre. A game that has left five bodies at his feet. He’s walking down a path that none will follow him on and can’t see that's it’s the wrong one. Light damn it. Folcan is going to be devastated. The one man he looks on with admiration and love. The one man he wants by him at our wedding.  Too stupid and stubborn to let me help him. Too blind to see that he’s walking away from the Light and into the dark.


Izarre. I’m so tiered, tiered of it all. Would you trade places with me for a bit?


My dearest friend,

I suppose that since Folcan will hardly let me out of bed I have time to write you again. It will probably be another week before I can tale proper care of myself. It will probably be months before I am fit to join the Servitors again. I'm weak. My body is greatly diminished. A lot has happened since my captivity. All the Servitors managed to escape that debacle in Suramar. It was all worth it. One of our elven friends didn't make it, or so I've been told. Deep down I knew they would come for me if they could, even though they shouldn't have. It was a risk they shouldn't have taken. From what I've heard, one that would have been moot if they had taken another day. 

I've heard that Zuriah, your Zuriah, handled herself admirably in battle. I heard that they probably wouldn't have been able to find me without her. I heard that they found your body trying to find me. I've told Zuriah to give you a proper burial with Zerov. When I'm fit, I'll go visit you. It is something that they should do and something they should do together. I don't think either realizes how much they need each other. Their link to their past, to their world. In death you may have brought them the family they both need. I hope that seeing them, and having your body put to proper rest brings you peace. Although seeing what happened to her is the deepest sorrow of my life, I am proud of her, and will continue to take care of her for you as well as I can. 

The others have returned to the front. It seems the Legion's attack is intensifying. Zuriah will join them as soon as I can take care of myself. I don't know if I should insist that Folcan does too. I worry for my new family. They are capable fighters and I could never doubt their commitment and loyalty but I worry about how they are holding up emotionally and mentally. I wish Lammy and Sky weren't out there. I know Lammy has never quite recovered from losing her arm. I know she tries to be strong but also know that all strength has it's limits. Sky. My poor Sky. I feel her mind is constantly walking on a cliff's edge. She has been through so much in so little time, and has not had the chance to heal, physically or mentally. I wish she had stayed here with me. I wish she didn't feel the need to be out there. Many, or rather most of them aren't trained for this. Most are just good people trying to do good. Take Etharion, our now former commander. From what I understand, her was just a lost soul like many of them who found a home and family in the Servitors, only to be forced into a command he neither wanted or was prepared for. He gave his all. He kept us running and he kept giving people a home and a chance to be better than they were. I was proud to serve with him. I am happy that he left us. I hope he finds the peace he's looking for at his familys' side. I hope that we can continue to contribute towards providing it. I've a promise to him I dread having to keep. I wish Sky was here.

My dear friend, why did you leave me? We could really use you. I could really use you. What a team we would make. I don't know if there is a plan for us in this life or if there is such a thing as fate, but if there is, it is cruel to have given rise to two of us only to take one away. I cannot claim to understand what it was that happened to create our timelines. I cannot claim to understand what it means, but deep down I feel you are a part of me. In my delirium I dreamt that I died and in death our spirits joined and we were both whole again. 

I'll visit you soon. 

Yours in life,



Dear friend,

Too much time to think is probably never good. I've been thinking too much about your fate and mine. About time. About the time we've somehow stolen or been given. The best I can gather is that you and I lived the same life until the orc pup interfered with time and then you and I begun to exist, perhaps separately. You die in a future I've yet to live. Or rather, you died older than I am now by some years from what I can gather. I can't help but wonder if that somehow means my own time is slowly drawing near. That if I do the math, I'll be able to know the time when I myself will die. If our death is set in time, am I just needing to catch up to you? After all, Death did say it was not yet my time. I wish I understood more about what happened to us.

Folcan is staring. I'll write again soon.

Yours in life, 



My dearest friend,

Do you remember how mother used to talk of us of Argus? Of it's beauty? How she used to tell us that one day we would go back to our world and bring that beauty back? How she made us memorize the thousands of stars in the sky around it so that we would know where we were when we found it? I loved mother's stories. I loved her dreams. I loved her hope that one day we would return to our home and bring peace back to it. Deep down we always thought it had been destroyed. How couldn't it, having seen so many worlds crumble in the Nether? Deep down we always hoped it had been. That we would never have to compare mothers stories to the broken world it had to have become. 

Yesterday Argus appeared in the sky above this world. I'm not sure how it happened, or how we know that the shattered flaming word in the sky is ours but there seems to be some certainty about it. It is pointless to describe a shattered world burning with felfire to you. You've seen your share. i don't know what we're going to do. There is little real information. The Legion's final insult to our people is here, and perhaps, our final battle. 

I keep working numbers. It is a pointless exercise since I do not understand the ways of time but by my count, I should be coming up on the time you died, in my own timeline. Perhaps this was fates way of letting mother's hopes come true. Perhaps we are to go back to our home, and I am to die there, fighting for mother's dreams. I have felt for so long that my time is coming to an end, and now, to see our homeworld in the sky. I all seems clear. There are rumors that Kil'Jaeden has been destroyed in the Nether. That now is the time for our final push. One last time into the fire, my dear? One final home to defend?

I am going to ask Folcan to marry me soon. No more planning, no more putting things off. A few Light crystals, the stars, Lammy's cooking and those we love. I would be his wife before we go off to face the end. 

Give me strength for what is to come. Give me strength to keep my Lions safe. There is still so much blood I must shed to build a future for our children scattered among the stars. Help me so that I can grant us both that peace in death. Promise me that you won't allow any of my Lions into the Shadowlands? Be my light from the darkness just a little longer? 

Yours, always,




*A card is tucked in carefully among Izzy's papers. It must be important.*


Dearest Iz'aharre

I've been thinking of writing you again for some time but haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I am on Argus, on Mac'aree, mother's birthplace and home. We're here Iz. We're finally here. We're finally home. Mother's hope and dreams have finally come to pass, even though I doubt this is what she imagined it would be like. Or maybe it is. Is she there with you? If she is, tell her we made it, and that I will continue to fight to end this war and hopefully make you both proud. It's both a beautiful and terrible sight my friend. I am amazed at how whole it looks. How preserved from the Legion's fury. Except for the fact that it is broken into pieces and floating in the nether. Most of the buildings are intact. You can actually see where mother was from. I might even be able to find her home eventually with a little luck. There is life left on the world around Mac'aree. Vegetation, animals. Did they feel pity towards their own home? Do they retain some love for this place? Is there still a part of the Eredar that won't let them destroy everything? Is there a shred of hope for them? How can a mother not hope that there is?

I hate this place my friend. The amount of death. Even though mother often told us, its' hard to imagine that we were once so many. You feel them. The haunted spirits of those who couldn't make it to the Genedar. Sometimes you see them. Lost. Stuck on that day. Reliving the day we lost our home. I've lived it with them while we've been down here. Seen their horror, their pain. I've relived part of mother's life through them. Shared the pain of her flight and those she lost and left behind. It's a lot like our escape from so many worlds just on a scale we could have never even imagined. 

I finally met your Velen aboard the Vindicaar. I won't lie. It was a bit amusing to see the look on his face when he saw a ghost. He refers to me by your title. He says that no matter what, actions reverberate across time and space and that your deeds echo onto me. It's strange being called by a title reserved for the dead, but perhaps, in my own way, that is what I am. He almost seemed glad to see my change in path. It seems to me that somehow, he's lost some of his faith in the Light, in it's ability to save us. 

Nothing is right. Nothing feels right anymore. The torment the legion has put our people through here. The way they have twisted them into abominations. I think mother thought that one day we would return home and be able to live here again, win our world back, but the planet is so broken that i doubt any will live here again. It just seems like this was the place it all begun, and the place where it all must end. A final battleground. We win small victories. It seems that we are actually putting up a fight although we still have little idea of how we can defeat the Legion. It just feels like more of what I've been doing for so long. Fighting just to keep others alive. Fighting a war that will eventually take us all whether its today or in another thousand years. They say that the Legion is somehow bound to our very planet. Maybe that is why they came to our world. Maybe they needed our planet. Maybe that is why they didn't completely destroy it like they did so many others. What that means for the war though, is beyond my comprehension.

Nothing is right. M dealt me a harsh blow. I've always thought that in her own way we were friends, that she respected me but that seems to have just been my imagination. She disdain she's showed towards me, towards the Light, towards our people is just ridiculous. She might not like the Light. She might not like my kind. But she should at least respect the people she's fighting with. The people who have been fighting for longer than her race has existed. She should at least respect Zerov and myself who have fought with and for her. Who have bled to protect her and her family. Who would die to do so. I do not know her past. I don't care to. She's lost. She's sacrificed. Who hasn't. None of them could begin to understand what we've sacrificed. What does she think that we don't need the army of the Light? That they really need us? I would have thought that argument was beneath her. That she was smarter than that. I never thought her prejudice would make her an imbecile. We all need each other. We're all fighting for each other. We're all fighting for each other children. It's a fight that will consume the Lighties and the dead and the warlocks all the same. It will consume her children and mine all the same. 

Nothing is right. I feel distant from Folcan and know that it's my own fault. I can't make can't understand my pain. I just feel I can't even relate to him with any of this. There's things I can't explain. Things I can't share. There's too much pain to share. To talk about. There aren't words for it. Why would I want him to share this pain. He just pushes it. How do you speak of your own children who betrayed their own family and murdered their brothers? How do you speak of those that had to be left behind like the ghosts that haunt this world? I just don't know how to give him what he wants, what he expects of me. I can share my present with him, but how do I share our past?

I envy you. I'm so tiered. I'm so tiered of this fight. I'm so tiered of this pain. I'm so tiered of being strong for everyone else. I'm so tiered of this life. 


My dearest Iz'aharre,

Do you remember Zuriah's aptitude trials? How proud we were when we were told she was prone to mana and showed promise in manipulating arcane energies? Do you remember how much we fought her father when he wanted to to withdraw her from her arcanist training so she could focus on her music? Do you remember how wrong we were to think otherwise? 

Nothing pains me more than seeing what happened to your Zuriah. It's more than any mother should have to bare. I'm glad to do it for you. You did your duty, and earned your rest without carrying this weight upon your shoulders. She has become what we wanted for her so many years ago. Sadly, in the worst way possible. She is a brilliant aracanist and a boon to my lions. She proves herself every time she is out in the field. I believe that, if nothing else, she is respected by all. You would be proud of her. Did you know how much she loved you? Did you know how much she admired you and what you did for our people? Likely not. Mine has never expressed it quite so openly so I doubt yours did while you lived. She strives to do what you would do, and what she thinks is right by you. I think that it's probably the only reason she remains in the unit I have chosen. She visits your grave most everyday. 

How can I help her find some of the joy for life she used to have? How do I help her move past the guilt of not being able to save her family? How do I take away her hate?

Light why is it so wonderful, and terrible to be a mother? I feel that since we had our first we haven't slept, thinking about how we can make a future for them. I spend sleepless nights on our roof, looking up at the stars, remembering all the children we've lost. Thinking of those we've left on colonies throughout the Nether. Wondering if they're alive. If the Legion found them, or if their pursuit of us managed to keep them hidden. Wondering if we'll ever find a way to contact them again. Can you see them from where you are, my dear? Why do so few of them live while I remain? Five. Five of mine and three of yours are all that remain. Two of mine who will hardly speak with me since I decided to leave the Vindicators and Draenor to follow my path to Azeroth. Two of yours who are Krokul and consider me an aberration which they want no part of. That is all. 

I'm so tiered. Keep praying for us my dear,

Yours always,




Dearest Iz'aharre

Today we will be assisting with the charge against Antorus, the center of the Legion's power on Argus. It seems that we are actually pushing them back on their own ground. It seems that we are one step closer to, well, something. Closer to avenging our home, and our people. Closer to a Victory, and maybe ending this war. It's rare moments like these, the fall or Archimond on Draenor, or that of Kil'Jaden, that give me hope. Hope that I might live long enough to see it all end one day. Hope that our remaining children might have a future other than eternal war. Hope that my new family and home won't be consumed like so many others. This wont be an easy fight. The Legion won't give up their stronghold easily. Everything they haven't thrown at us during our assault on Argus will be waiting for us inside. W knoe of Corrupt titans that await us. From what I've already seen on this world, who knows what other monstrosities await. Things far worse than we've ever faced, seen, or imagined. 

The fight continues my dear. I will continue to fight it for the both of us. Our fight is not yet over. Keep the door open incase I go to join you today, and as always, lend me your strength so that I can keep my people safe. Kiss our children for me, and tell mother that come our winter furlough, I will attempt to find our ancestral home. If she could light the crystal over the door, it would be wonderful. 

I hope you've found peace my dearest.

Yours, always,



*a heavily tear-stained letter*

Dearest friend,

We lost one of our own tonight. Jenna Montgomery. She was a Paladin, a farmer, a daughter. She was a happy, charming girl, loved by all who knew her. We encountered a behemoth of a demon artillery weapon while we provided cover for the forces breaking the citadel of Antorus. I did all I could to keep our people safe. Our Light protected us from blasts capable of bringing down a Naaru vessel. We did our legacy proud. Why do I feel so empty? She gave her life to bring the demon down. Why do the young die while I continue to live on and on throughout the ages? Why can't I protect those who deserve life the most?

She was going to bake us all pies of Azeroth Apples. I was going to bake her our spicy nut bread in the morning. Do you bake where you are? Will you keep that promise for me? Will you welcome her with open arms and bake her the best bread we've ever baked? Keep my promise, please? I will keep hers and bake the apple pies for everyone. Let her know for me. Tell her I'm sorry. Tell her I'm sorry I failed her. Tell her that I will make her last words my banner. 

It should have been me

*The writing just stops*



My dearest Iz'aharre,

It seems that the time has come. Tomorrow, the joint forces of Azeroth and the Army of the Light will begin what they call the final assault on Antorus, the Legion's forces on Argus, and what some are calling, the end to this war. Could any of that possibly be true? Could we be closer to finally reclaiming our home world? No, not reclaiming. There is little left of Argus for us other than broken relics of our past. Liberating maybe. Could we somehow be close to ending the war that has raged for millennia across countless worlds? Could Jen's death and sacrifice, could the deaths of all those I've lost over the ages, could your death finally be for something? 

They have asked for volunteers. Our forces are battered and spread thin dealing with pockets of Legion forces on Azeroth, Argus, and at times other worlds. I have spent the last hours deciding on wether I should join them, or stay here on Azeroth. My lions have work to do here in some place I can't even pronounce. They call it an investigation and yet, we're setting up an airborne squad and a land squad. Even if it is just recon, two teams spread our own forces thin. This is ridiculous, my soul, but having to decide between the two has turned into a question of who I am. We have been fighting this war for longer than the entire history of this world. You and I have been a part of most of it. Don't I owe it to my dead to continue this fight? To fight until its end, or my own? Don't I owe that to you?  Or did your death settle that debt for the both of us?

On the other hand there is my role as a Shaman and my duty to Azeroth and my Lions. I have spent a lot of time speaking with the elements of late. Shamans are meant to be the guardians of elemental balance and yet, I do not feel that is my role. Argus is broken in the most literal sense. The elements are in such disarray that I fear there is little that could be done for our homeworld. Draenor is healing. The elements are being tended to by the joint forces of Draenic and Orc shamans under the hopefully lasting peace. Here on Azeroth, through the work of the Earthen Ring, of which I am marginally a part of, the elements have been convinced to work in harmony to fight the Legion and preserve the world. The elements do not know what path I must take, even though they were the ones that brought me here. They speak of terrible storms in the horizon. Of unspeakable anger. They say our duty, theirs, mine, everyone's, remains the same to keep this world safe. My soul, when is there not a storm in the horizon? And my Lions. I was told recently that I am a mother to the Servitors. If that is so, what other duty could I have than to keep them safe, and with them, this world? This world which is to be my last, Jen's hope, my Lions. What is the best way to protect them? Should my hooves be at their side to watch over them or should they be fighting far away to help end this shield them from whatever is waiting for us? 

If I join the fight on Argus, promise me that you will watch over and shed your Light on my Lions, and if I stay on Azeroth, shed it on those fighting back on Argus. 

Give Jen a hug for me and tell her that we all carry her legacy with us. Perhaps I will see you both tomorrow. 

Yours always,



My dearest children,

I write to you with the little information I have. It seems that at long last, our war has come to an end. From what we've been able to gather, the plan of the Sargeras to corrupt the remaining titans has been stopped, and the corrupt soul, and titan of our homeworld destroyed. They say that the dark titan has been imprisoned by his brothers for what we can only hope is an eternity. With Archimond and Kil'Jaeden both vanquished in the Nether the Legion's leadership is no more. Although demons, and Eredar remain, the war on Argus has greatly thinned their numbers and some even say that with Argus destroyed, so too is their ability to be reborn in the Nether. 

I know that some of you have never accepted, or respected my decision to leave Draenor and my responsibilities in Karabor. I have fought my entire life to the best of my ability and judgement with the only hope that one day you, and your brothers and sisters scattered throughout the stars would see and end to this war and find peace. This morning I woke up feeling, and hoping, for the first time in my life, that my life has had purpose and that you will never again have to be in fear of the shadow of hate tracking you across the Nether.

You can't imagine how badly I want to return to you all. To live this peace with you. To be the mother and grandmother that I've failed at being so many times, but I can't. I looked upon the face of Sargeras as he drove his blade into Azeroth as a final act of hatred. This world. It screams. I can hear it's pain through the voices of the elements. I can hear their call. Their pleads for help. There are still those I must fight for, those I must protect on this world. I'm sorry. I know that some of you have needed a mother more than you've needed peace. I hope that one day you'll be able to forgive my failings as a mother. 

I love you all. I'd still like to see you all, if you'll allow it. Won't you mend an old woman's broken heart? I miss you all dearly. 



Dearest Iz'ahare,

It's been a long time since I write you. I should have sooner. I'm sure that the souls of the fallen, have brought you the news that the Legion is broken, and that Sargeras is imprisoned by the other titans and Illidan. Your fight, your war, is finally over and at least one of my promises to you, fulfilled. Rest my friend, knowing we gave it our all and saw it through to the end. My journey, my battles, on the other hand, seem to have just begun. 

The end of the war with the Legion and Sargeras's final act of hatred have left my world wounded. It seems that we live on the back of an unborn Titan. I wonder, do the other Titans have people living on them like fleas? Are we all going to die when it hatches? But I digress. Just like our kind needed us to be Vindicators during our exile, this world now needs its druids and its shamans to try and heal the wound Sargeras caused. That, along with Folcan's and Lammy's recent kidnappings and injuries have given me renewed strength and purpose. I want to live. To keep fighting for my family and for my world, because things can get better. They will get better. 

For now, however, it is our time to rest. Time for me to focus on the elements, my husband, and my children. This world isn't the only thing that needs to be mended. If you have free time, which I expect you do, help me a little? You, my better half, ask them to forgive me? I would very much like to hold our children again and have them look at me with love and admiration like they once did. 

Hug Jen, and our family for me. Tell them I love them.

Your soul,



The Kaldorei city burns. There are no words. You can see the fire from half world away. The smoke and ash will darken the skies for months. The dead are countless. The horde struck without warning and without mercy. They struck with the brutality of the Legion. They struck with the cruelty of Sargeras, looking only to destroy. Light...they could ave used the timber of the great tree for their war machine. This is pointless. We now look to the evacuation and defense of the Exodar and our own, beloved keep. They are both likely targets. Folcan and I have had to evacuate our home. If the horde marches south, we are the first line of defense.

How? Why? The world screams. The elements rage. There was hope for peace. We fought together. We survived together. Why? Is hope and peace just something which lives in my mind? Was my life pointless after all? Why would they do this.

I just don't understand. Why do we choose war and death when we were so close.


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