Sugar Tits and Other Amusements

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Bumping for newmeats!  This is the Sugar Tits thread.  This is where you post RP logs that you found particularly entertaining in a funny and/or strange way, and don't mind sharing.  If you see someone say "I'm going to tits this" it means something is being preserved for posterity!



21:25:12 Etharion sends Dusty after the fleeing arakkoa.

21:25:15 Etharion rolls 69 (1-100)

21:26:23 [Etharion]: NO DUSTY!  BAD CAT!

21:26:38 [Etharion]: NO HUMPING!



What are little Hordies made of?  Find out from our polyjuice potion making RP:


9/23 22:26:02.250  Brommidor turns to the vials and hair. "Well, we've jus' got one step left. An' it's pretty fun! We jus' add some o' th' 'air or other samples ter each o' th' vials an' then stop it an' let it sit fer a few nights."

9/23 22:26:21.640  Etharion says: We'd better label each bottle.

9/23 22:26:32.573  Brommidor says: Good idea!

9/23 22:26:42.084  Marrii says: Heh. Unless people -really- wan' a surprise.

9/23 22:26:51.617  Brommidor says: I would've completely forgot, I've been so busy.

9/23 22:26:53.735  Etharion snickers.

9/23 22:27:16.641  Etharion says: You know, there's these chocolates in Dalaran....

9/23 22:27:29.042  Etharion says: It's a box of twelve, and they're shaped like bullets.

9/23 22:27:38.816  Brommidor says: Do they explode?

9/23 22:27:50.865  Etharion says: Eleven are normal chocolates.  The twelfth has a whole, Kalimdor hot pepper inside.

9/23 22:27:52.548  Marrii says: Heh. Bite th'bullet.

9/23 22:28:10.609  Etharion says: And there's no way to tell which one is the one that bites back.

9/23 22:28:13.019  Etharion grins.

9/23 22:28:15.375  Brommidor says: Blech, tha' sounds terrible.

9/23 22:28:20.173  Marrii says: Tha'd be fun!

9/23 22:28:33.133  Etharion says: It would be.

9/23 22:28:45.216  Etharion says: If we survive the Unnamed, I'm getting some.

9/23 22:28:56.607  Etharion says: It'd be great fun for a party.

9/23 22:29:05.033  Marrii says: Heh. Tha'll deserve a party, f'sure.

9/23 22:29:23.160  Brommidor takes a vial and adds some hair to it. A small puff of smoke erupts from the vial and a thick, musky odor hovers in the air. He puts a cork stopper on the vial quickly.

9/23 22:29:42.425  Marrii says: Was tha' orc?

9/23 22:29:49.764  Etharion says: I take it these potions are the hold your nose and drink it fast variety?

9/23 22:30:08.223  Brommidor says: Whew! Tauren. This is th' interestin' part, guessin' which essences are which.

9/23 22:30:18.836  Brommidor says: Oh, th' mos' like tha' Etharion.

9/23 22:30:32.904  Brommidor says: Bes' 'ave some water or summat stronger as a chaser when we drink these...

9/23 22:30:51.082  Etharion says: Not a bad idea.

9/23 22:31:09.057  Brommidor nods at M, indicating the bundles of hairs and vials. "Wanna give it a try?"

9/23 22:31:57.445  Marrii shrugs and stands, once she's pulled her straw free of her mask. "Sure."

9/23 22:33:09.230  Brommidor pulls out a small inkbrush from a cabinet, he wets the end and dabs it in an inkwell before scrawling a neat 'T' on the outside of the vial.

9/23 22:34:19.305  Brommidor places the vial in a padded crate before taking another vial and another bundle of hair.

9/23 22:34:21.771  Marrii takes up a vial, sprinkling some hairs onto it. Immediately, the potion turns a rather vomit green color and smells like rotten fruit. She blinks at it.

9/23 22:34:32.844  Etharion says: Ugh.

9/23 22:34:42.854  Etharion says: Was that a Forsaken?

9/23 22:34:49.206  Brommidor holds his nose and frowns. "Tro'?"

9/23 22:35:02.981  Marrii glances down at the hair's label. "Troll." 

9/23 22:35:26.223  Etharion says: That's what I have to look forward to.  

9/23 22:35:38.691  Etharion says: Can I put one in?

9/23 22:36:04.207  Brommidor says: Sure! Th' more th' merrier. Jus' drop it in an' make sure ter stopper it righ' after it reacts.

9/23 22:36:44.873  Marrii writes a large, messy 'trl' on the vial and sets it back onto the rack.

9/23 22:37:46.399  Etharion picks up some henna-burgundy hair and drops it into the potion.  The potion explodes in a cloud of green smoke that smells like oil , exhaust, and Kaja cola, with a sound like a car backfiring.

9/23 22:38:35.882  Marrii jumps violently. Thankfully, her vial is already in place and doesn't drop.

9/23 22:38:55.527  Etharion jams a stopper down tight, but not before the remaning wafts of smoke briefly form into a monetary symbol and fade away.

9/23 22:39:13.116  Etharion says: So now we know what goblins are made of.

9/23 22:39:18.550  Marrii wags a finger at the vial and tsks.

9/23 22:39:20.110  Etharion says: Gas and greed.

9/23 22:40:22.192  Etharion sniffs.  "And, apparently, saltpeter."

9/23 22:41:08.304  Brommidor says: Money, vice, an' nothin' nice.

9/23 22:42:20.544  Marrii takes up another clump of hair and a vial, this time with some trepidation after Eth's display. Hers is a bit anticlimactic. Instead of any big bang, the hairs melt into a reddish gold mixture that smells oddly of flowers, although stale.

9/23 22:42:38.158  Etharion says: That had to be a Sin'dorei.

9/23 22:43:13.030  Marrii nods, writing a large S onto the vial. "Yeah. They smell like they taste nice."

9/23 22:43:24.910  Brommidor drops his next bundle in his vial. A puffs of pink smoe erupts and the scent of fragrant perfumes hover in the air, as the cloud dissipates an acrid sour scent overpowers the previous scent.

9/23 22:44:06.269  Marrii tilts her head. "...mo' elfs?"

9/23 22:44:12.661  Etharion says: Ugh.  Started off sweet, ended sour.

9/23 22:44:20.944  Brommidor pinches his nose as he stoppers the vial. "I think so..."

9/23 22:44:33.002  Brommidor says: Mus' be no' two folks react th' same?

9/23 22:45:01.982  Marrii nods. "Prolly, yeah. Differen' fo' each person."

9/23 22:45:12.316  Etharion adds a pinch of muddy yellow hair to the next vial on down the row.  The liquid turns the color of mud, and a distinct odor of dirt and rot fills the air.

9/23 22:45:14.906  Marrii stoppers her vial and sets it in its place.

9/23 22:45:20.055  Marrii says: --Forsaken.

9/23 22:45:20.056  Etharion says: UGH.  That's gotta be a Forsaken.

9/23 22:45:51.602  Brommidor says: Light, I thought Horde smelled bad before... their essences are even worse!

9/23 22:45:58.366  Etharion stoppers the bottle, but the stink of grave dirt and rotting things lingers.

9/23 22:46:41.459  Marrii gives Eth's vial a mournful stare, shaking her head slowly. "Poor person."

9/23 22:47:23.560  Brommidor scrawls a B on his vial before placing it in the crate.

9/23 22:50:41.145  Etharion says: Where's the orc hair?  I wonder if they smell like blood and thunder.

9/23 22:50:46.076  Brommidor places few strands of coarse black hair into his vial, it turns a deep brown and the scent of onions and... pigs fills the air.

9/23 22:50:54.979  Etharion says: Oh, there we go. 

9/23 22:50:56.807  Marrii says: ...tha's an orc, isn' it.

9/23 22:51:17.293  Etharion says: They smell like dinner.

9/23 22:51:23.086  Brommidor quickly stoppers the vial. "Aye... must've been a farmer."

9/23 22:52:38.561  Etharion says: Maybe so.  I'll say this for orcs, they do care for their beasts.

9/23 22:52:42.697  Marrii picks up several pinches of short, fine hair. When added to the vial, it smells like cherry blossoms, dirt, and dried leaves. 

9/23 22:53:02.666  Etharion says: Whether it's hogs or wolves....oh!  Pandaren?

9/23 22:53:05.897  Brommidor says: ...Pandaren?

9/23 22:53:24.227  Etharion sniffs.  "I kind of like that one."

9/23 22:53:42.505  Marrii says: Pandaren.

9/23 22:54:16.359  Etharion looks like he's revisiting his idea about playing a troll.

9/23 22:54:28.493  Marrii says: They do smell good, I thin'. Ain' gotten very close to'm, but they look like they smell good.

9/23 22:54:41.563  Brommidor scrawls an O on his vial and places it in the crate.

9/23 22:55:23.053  Brommidor shuts his eyes as the scent enter his nostrils, he seems to be at peace and savors the scent for a few moments.

9/23 22:55:54.697  Marrii draws a large P onto the vial and just stares at it a moment. Then, after giving it an approving nod, she stoppers it and places it back onto the rack.

9/23 22:55:59.206  Brommidor says: They sure do smell good.

9/23 22:56:21.769  Marrii says: Mmhm. Kinda hope someone shows up as tha' one. M'gonna sniff'm.

9/23 22:56:46.145  Brommidor says: Maybe save tha' one fer another day.

9/23 22:56:51.734  Marrii says: Heh. Yeah.

9/23 22:57:02.596  Etharion takes a pinch of bright orange hair and drops it into a vial.  The potion turns green, but this time, the scent is distinctly...herbal.  Reminiscent of the smoking blend Sigarni Windblade used to call "Deep Thoughts."

9/23 22:57:04.646  Brommidor 's eyes alight at the thought.

9/23 22:57:15.889  Etharion says: Oh.  I bet that's a troll.

9/23 22:57:30.884  Etharion says: One of Sila's druids.

9/23 22:57:43.446  Marrii says: Mm. Tha' smells quite nice, really.

9/23 22:58:01.415  Etharion says: Smell it too long and you'll get the munchies though.

9/23 22:58:02.596  Brommidor sniffs at the scent wish a frown, Panda-scent gone.

9/23 22:59:01.153  Brommidor sighs as he packs another vial into the crate. "Alrigh', I think it's time fer me ter get some shut eye."



in case anyone forgot it's here... welcome to sugar tits!


Very real conversation that happened one night during the recent siege. Did you guys know Ah'Lam is a professional expert on the Pandaren repopulation process? Trust her, okay, she knows what she's on about. 


00:53:32 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] ...Partially unrelated note. I remember telling M and Jo once, but I've never told you where little Pandaren come from, have I? I promise it's not what you might be thinking. 

00:53:42 Ah'Lam Creekwhisper is totally one-hundred percent serious.

00:57:26 [Frovelos-Wyrmrest Accord] ..Go on.

00:57:42 [Frovelos-Wyrmrest Accord] ..is it.. is it out of cabbages?

00:58:20 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] No, but close. See, the cubs roam wild and unaging in the forest at first--

00:59:23 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] And then eventually, if they happen to find a couple who love each other very much, they decide to assimilate into the household, and thus charm their way into the couple's hearts. After they've eaten more than their fair share of the food in the house,

00:59:24 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] mind you.

01:03:03 [Frovelos-Wyrmrest Accord] Is this.. is this real?

01:03:22 [Frovelos-Wyrmrest Accord] Because listen, I am still not super sure how Kaldorei breed.. soo..

01:03:50 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] It's true! Your favorite fuzzy hugbears are, in fact, a deceptively adorable breed of benevolent parasite. 

01:04:02 [Frovelos-Wyrmrest Accord] Huh.

01:04:03 [Ahlam-Wyrmrest Accord] Trust me on this. I am one-hundred percent an expert and would never joke about anything ever.

01:04:11 Ah'Lam Creekwhisper is having trouble keeping a straight face.

01:05:07 Frovelos narrows his eyes.

01:05:21 Ah'Lam Creekwhisper snrks quietly and fights a smile.

01:05:40 Frovelos smiles. "Oh you cheeky bastard you."

01:05:49 You giggle.


Titans damn it, Lammy. We gotta stop letting you teach kids things.


21:20:44 [Niaalla] says: Have you been to Pandaria before?

21:21:45 Ahlam nods. "A few times, yes. The first time was during the war, when I found most of my separated family. The times after that, have mostly been to stay with Li and his family in the Jade Forest."

21:22:00 [Niaalla] says: Is Li your boyfriend?

21:23:07 [Ahlam] says: Mm-hm! The nicest and strongest boyfriend I could ask for.

21:23:21 [Niaalla] says: Oh!

21:23:23 Niaalla flushes.

21:23:46 [Niaalla] says: Are you gonna get married?

21:25:48 [Ahlam] says: Hmm. Well, I'd be very happy if we did, I think. But it depends on if getting married is something he'd like to do, too, in the future. In the meantime, I'm happy just getting to spend time with him as we are.

21:26:05 [Niaalla] says: Are you gonna have kids? Do you love him?

21:28:33 [Ahlam] says: I do love him, very much. And I don't know if we will have kids. I suppose it depends on if we decide to get a house together and have a big cabbage  patch to draw cubs in from the wild.

21:28:52 [Niaalla] says: Cabbage patch?

21:29:27 Ahlam smiles benignly as she takes a sip of her tea. That fucking gleam in her eye, though, tells a whole other story.

21:30:06 [Niaalla] says: There are babies just out... in the woods?

21:30:19 [Ahlam] says: Right. Pandaren cubs roam the wild in packs, and stay babies pretty much forever, until they find two grown pandaren who love each other very much and decide to adopt them as their parents.

21:30:57 [Niaalla] says: B-but...

21:30:58 [Ahlam] says: Part of what helps a cub decide to stay and start growing is if those two grown-up pandaren have a very healthy, good cabbage patch for wild cubs to forage and play in.

21:32:11 [Niaalla] says: Really?!

21:32:37 [Ahlam] says: Yes! Really! I romped around with my pack for sixty years before I found my mom and dad!

21:33:52 [Niaalla] says: Gosh...did it take that long?

21:35:16 [Ahlam] says: Mm-hm. I was close to adopting different parents after just thirty-two years, but it turns out their cabbages had a bad caterpillar infestation.

21:35:28 [Niaalla] says: Oh no...

21:36:14 [Ahlam] says: It's okay, though. Their patch got healthy again a few years after I found mom and dad, and then a cub ended up finding them, too.




21:40:14 [Niaalla] How little are baby pandas?

21:40:55 Ahlam thinks. "Hmm. It depends. How baby are we talking? Crawling and cute, or just born and not even a month old?"

21:41:04 [Niaalla] says: Just born!

21:42:22 [Ahlam] says: Aha! Quite small, then. Of course, there are a few that are going to be larger than most, but most of them can probably fit in this bowl right here if they curl up a little!

21:42:30 Ahlam taps a claw against the bowl to her left.

21:42:55 [Niaalla] says: Oh gosh! How cute!

21:44:27 [Ahlam] says: Almost bald, too, when the cranes deliver them to the pack. But their fur grows very quickly, in just a week or two!

21:44:42 [Niaalla] says: Cranes deliver them to the woods?

21:45:55 [Ahlam] says: Mm-hm. The very small, new baby cubs show up hidden away in flower bushes, and cranes find them and bring them to a pack so they'll have friends.

21:46:07 [Niaalla] says: Gosh...

21:50:04 [Niaalla] says: I should tell Kixa...

21:50:27 [Ahlam] says: Yes...yes, you should. Spread the knowledge!

21:51:00 [Niaalla] says: Gosh, it's late. I should go home.

21:51:17 Ahlam waves a hand absentmindedly over her head. Boy, that steam off her tea is curious--it almost looked like a halo for a second.

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