Dear Diary

Peacekeeper's Log - Seda Artec

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Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 23
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Life Support and Monitoring Systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
-Heating Ventilation and Cooling piping and systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
Vitals Survey. . .
Pulse: [ERROR] bpm [exception found]
Respiratory Rate: [ERROR] breaths per minute, [n/a] respiratory minute volume (avg) [exception found]
Bodytemp: 78.4 F [exception found]
>Override to proceed
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'GPD18', 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: 'ASB51'
. . .Recording.




"Initiate Seda Artec speaking. Present location-- Eastern Kingdoms, Hinterlands, Aerie Peak machine bay. Date is August twenty-first. Present time is 11:02.

. . .I have been acclimating to my assignment within the Servitors of Lothar over the last ten days. I am capable with navigating their base of operations within the Aerie Peak to only a small degree of error by my own estimation, and have familiarized myself with available resources and tools. I have endeavored to integrate myself with the other enlisted to some degree of success [actual rate of success is unable to be quantified. Diverting to judgement. May contain an amount of bias]. It is my aspiration to develop a better sense of camaraderie within the ranks of this organization through continued exposure and interaction. . . though the process of doing such is admittedly one I have displayed myself as excessively unskilled at and deficient in many social graces necessary for a conducive exchange of speech.

In order to rectify this deficiency I have begun obtaining relevant materials of study and have been engaging in observational activity amongst the other denizens of the keep and fellow servitors.

[ NOTE: The development of an accent is noted to be endearing or capable of portraying a sense of 'grounding' or simple communication of a background. I will not be attempting to emulate any of these vocal patterns due to my personal perception that they are both improper and egregious when used in extended periods.'Yer' is not an acceptable collegiate replacement for 'you are'. Similarly I will abstain from the replacement of academically accepted vocabulary for vernacular for similar reasons. I have observed some Gilnean individuals using the word 'loaf' in place of 'brain'. I find such terminology to be thoroughly misleading. ]

. . .Digression. My accumulated resources range from texts to duplicates of socially accepted speeches and debates. I will refer to these at a later date and attempt to salvage some manner of understanding from these samples.

I have also noted that there is some demand among the ranks for caffeinated beverages. My initial attempts at producing one of these beverages with the available equipment produced unfavorable results. I have made it an objective to improve my proficiency with this machine in order to perform an additional service for the mess, as otherwise I am without an explicit purpose for my presence within the room.

Admittedly it is somewhat difficult to perfect a skill related to culinary matters when I am unable to utilize any sense of taste, and have a limited perception of scent. I will have to outsource my testing to others around the keep. Thankfully I find no contents of the available materials to be lethal in any doses I intend to utilize. I may endeavor to modify or replicate and improve the present equipment however, to allow for more measured production and consistency. I will attempt to utilize some amount of 'free time' in order to draft blueprints and run diagnostics on the samples of 'espresso' I have already obtained.

Progress on the development of new cores remains slow. I have exhausted my personal reserves of test materials on Experimental Model 21. It has proved unable to accommodate more intensive supplies of fuel without succumbing to violent combustion. This is a fairly significant error. Preliminary tests have been proving consistently positive however, and thus I remain optimistic to reaching eventual completion. Conjecture leads me to believe that an increase and improvement to the coolant systems would allow for a more efficient and less volatile core. Alternative possibilities would entail further reinforcement or perhaps a redraft of the current casing. I may seek assistance from other engineers within the servitors to assist with the completion of this project.

. . .Exceeding permissible boundaries for preliminary observation and reflection. Now disengaging logging and proceeding to full activation."




Procedure complete.

New schematic completed.




Design A-SUT-01: Specialized Utility Thermos, Model 01-A

I have been developing this design over the course of furlough alongside my new personal transport. Discussions prior to leave led me to believe that this could serve as a suitable gift for the holiday season to other operatives of the Servitors. Production cost is relatively low when gathered by hand. Production time is negligible. I have spent much of last night producing units in order to dispense them to the unit as a whole.


I am not entirely accustomed to participating in gift giving, but hopefully my belated delivery of these will not devalue the sentiment of participation. In the future I will need to allot a week of development time prior to leave for festive purposes.


--Logging complete.


Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 24
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Life Support and Monitoring Systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
-Heating Ventilation and Cooling piping and systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
Vitals Survey. . .
Pulse: [ERROR] bpm [exception found]
Respiratory Rate: [ERROR] breaths per minute, [n/a] respiratory minute volume (avg) [exception found]
Bodytemp: 78.4 F [exception found]
>Override to proceed
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'GPD18', 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: 'ASB51'
. . .Recording.




"Initiate Seda Artec speaking. Present location-- Eastern Kingdoms, Hinterlands, Aerie Peak machine bay. Date is February twenty-fifth, present time 8:30.

. . . Recent interactions point towards an excursion into Gnomeregan in the near future. Goals dictated are the recovery of pieces of machinery and an operation within one of the clean rooms that hopefully remain undisturbed in the wake of the fall. I am not certain if I should remain optimistic for the sake of Sergeant Rattleclank, or attempt to caution her from heightened expectation. While it is not certain that the structural integrity of the industrial complex would have led to a collapse, it. . . is a possibility still with a fair probability given both the events of the fall and the lack of appropriate upkeep since.

I have entertained the possibility that I should recuse myself over the last hours. Though my voice and my demeanor is unmoving, I am steadily reminded of my former entrance into the city. And while I am uncertain that I would begin a second attempt. . .--

But no. I would not.

Applicant Lydri inquired on a curious train of thought, previously. At the time I was unable to articulate myself entirely. This is typically the case in most forms of communication. She wished to know if I would return to Gnomeregan, should it be restored.

But the restoration I require would not be accomplishable. Rubble may be cleared, and buildings may be rebuilt. But the city I once lived in will never be restored. It is scattered with the bones of our kin across the halls of Gnomeregan. It can never be fully whole again. Neither can they. Neither can I.

The Gnomeregan I once lived in is no more. The Seda Artec, Captain of the 18th Peacekeeper Division, is no more as well. There is nothing to return to, and no one to return.

. . . *A shuddering, superflous sigh is released.*

The meeting last Friday was one I did not anticipate. I expected a typical gathering, a meal I would observe and engage in conversation in the meantime. Instead the majority of the time I was present consisted of an exchange of accolades. And. . . I express my surprise at those directed towards myself. Unanticipated. It would also appear some are more perceptive to my awkward attempts at integration into socialization. I am pleased it is at least regarded with some approval.

*A gap of speech. Rustling and rattling of machinery infers activity*

. . .I believe I would remain here, applicant. Disengaging logging and proceeding to full activation."




Procedure complete.


Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 24
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Life Support and Monitoring Systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
-Heating Ventilation and Cooling piping and systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
Vitals Survey. . .
Pulse: [ERROR] bpm [exception found]
Respiratory Rate: [ERROR] breaths per minute, [n/a] respiratory minute volume (avg) [exception found]
Bodytemp: 78.4 F [exception found]
>Override to proceed
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - NEGATIVE [DEACTIVATED]
-Commlink transmission test - - NEGATIVE [DEACTIVATED]
---Channels open: none
---Channels closed: 'ASB51', 'GDP18', 'SOL1'
. . .Recording.




"Initiate Seda Artec speaking. Present location-- Eastern Kingdoms, Hinterlands, Aerie Peak guard tower. Date is February twenty-eighth. Present time is 9:22.

 I have endeavored to participate in some manner of artistic hobby as of late. The purpose is not a productive one by any means, as it instead diverts time which could otherwise be used in research and development with the assembly and design of. . . wooden blocks.

Initially I decided to partake in this occupancy of time for the purpose of 'fitting in'. I will not be covert in my motives-- My express purpose was to attempt to normalize myself somewhat with others. I am aware that it is not -normal- for a member of society to be diverting his or her full attention to their occupation at all hours. I once participated in a variety of extraneous activities when I was stationed as a peacekeeper. Though I was not overly proficcient in any.

. . .Digression.

While the aforementioned was my initial purpose for designing this activity, I instead shaped this as an experiment regarding my own mental processes and reactions. I understand that conducting this assessment on myself is inherently biased; I should not anticipate fully worthwhile results so long as the subject in question is also the subject assessing. This was merely an idle curiosity.

Hobby: An activity participated in for purposes of pleasure. As I attempted to decide upon what activity I would be attempting I realized that none immediately generated any significant measure of interest. I have no purpose for creating a painting, nor do I find the pursuit to be particularly worthwhile for myself. I do not anticipate that writing would generate anything of interest to read, or that any would be willing to parse my syntax for an extended written work.

. . .It occured to me that any mental processes which associated these actions with reward or self-fulfillment are possibly no longer present. Prior, I had assumed them to be remaining. I purposefully did not attempt to stimulate them. At no point did I assess this notion of leisure to be wholly absent.

My selected activity is relatively simple. It involves the creation of a grid and the arrangement of small painted blocks upon the grid to form tesselations or other imagery. At present I have generated a small variety of designs. . . .It is not particularly of interest to me, and yet I find it is an activity I am capable of engaging in when in reflection or when in monologue. Such as the present. I am in fact plotting a bird at the time of recording.

I do not derive a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction from these creations. I design them, and they are made. Much as any machine I create. The distinction is that one involves less mental attention, and the other is productive. One generates a pile of blocks for which I have no immediate use or purpose for, and the other creates technology which may be beneficial to myself, or to the unit as a whole. It should stand to reason that I have no reason to continue plotting this grid, or arranging blocks.

. . .I imagine another would find this tangent amusing or without point. They would largely be correct. I have spent this time discussing the implications of wooden blocks and my enjoyment of them as how they relate to my mental state. Even I realize that this is practically without merit.

...But at times I worry that I'm losing more.

[There is a fairly lengthy pause. The noise of a quill scratching against paper is audible.]

Now disengaging logging and proceeding to full activation."




Procedure complete.


Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 24
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Life Support and Monitoring Systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
-Heating Ventilation and Cooling piping and systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
Vitals Survey. . .
Pulse: [ERROR] bpm [exception found]
Respiratory Rate: [ERROR] breaths per minute, [n/a] respiratory minute volume (avg) [exception found]
Bodytemp: 78.4 F [exception found]
>Override to proceed
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: 'ASB51', 'GPD18'
. . .Recording.




"Initiate Seda Artec speaking. Present location-- Eastern Kingdoms, Hinterlands, Aerie Peak engineering bay. Date is March twenty-ninth. Present time is 20:58.


There was a compromise in security and safety of the unit today.

Adjutant Shadowquill is injured. Commander Graymind was intended for assault. But is unharmed. No other injuries recorded at present.

Sergeant Boltscrew and I attempted to locate the source of the compromising agent. We were unsuccessful. The offending object appears to have been within the Adjutant prior. I am unable to theorize an origin.

I 'feel' weak. It is a peculiar sensation which I have not experienced in some time. The active usage of magical utilities is something I am avidly employing at present. As a result the usage of my anti-magic field has led to a decrease in my physical capabilities. My hands are rigid and are not responding readily. My motions are. . . sluggish. As if a significant load has been placed upon my shoulders and is shifting my posture off balance.

I am encumbered. I am. . . vulnerable. It is a curious position for me to assume. Sergeant Rattleclank will be arriving shortly and I will be remaining here for the night, as per Advisor Longsight's request. I am unfamiliar with the notion of being the individual under protection, but at present I do not believe I would be immediately capable in combat. I am debating divulging this with the Sergeant. In part I am uncertain of burdening her further. I will determine during our dialogue together. She has expressed a desire to speak regarding the events of the day, and I have accepted this offer.

. . .It occurs to me that it may be more productive than a mental monologue which serves only to be repeated to myself. Thankfully Sergeant Rattleclank is an individual I find. . . 'easy' to communicate with.

I have not renewed my inhibitor in four days. I should endeavor to do so tomorrow before adverse effects become apparent and my demeanor shifts. Such an event at present would likely be regarded in a far more suspicious light.

. . .Perhaps I should converse regarding this as well in the future.

. . .Admittedly, as I recollect I find many topics of conversation that would be beneficial to address.

It is only unfortunate that they are matters I personally restrain myself from comment upon.

I remain a coward behind a heaume of bravery.






Procedure complete.


Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 24
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Life Support and Monitoring Systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
-Heating Ventilation and Cooling piping and systems. . . OFFLINE [exception found]
Vitals Survey. . .
Pulse: [ERROR] bpm [exception found]
Respiratory Rate: [ERROR] breaths per minute, [n/a] respiratory minute volume (avg) [exception found]
Bodytemp: 78.4 F [exception found]
>Override to proceed
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: 'ASB51', 'GPD18'
. . .Recording.




"Initiate Seda Artec speaking. Present location-- Eastern Kingdoms, Hinterlands, Aerie Peak engineering bay. Date is April fourth. Present time is 10:30.


 . . .I deem myself unsavory company to keep where individual communication is concerned. I am uncertain why I chose the topic of conversation I did, nor why I continued to pursue the train of thought during our dialogue turned monologue. The words simply erupted from my mouth. I regret this.

I attempted to remain relatively silent in the aftermath. I participated in a game with the Sergeant, and she retired afterwards. My strength recovered exponentially during the night, and I am presently fully restored.

We have made some progress towards understanding the compromising object implanted in Adjutant Shadowquill. I intend to offer further assistance where possible; Information concerning a peculiar frequency operating on an unorthodox spectrum has given me an inclination to suggest further attempts at locating the source of the transmission. I find there to be a possibility of a correlation, but I am uncertain. If no intention is present in this effort. . . perhaps I will offer to initiate the search.

I stated words in reassurance to Sergeant Rattleclank. I do not wish for them to be lies.


. . .Disengaging."




Procedure complete.


Initializing. . .
-Power to Peacekeeper Standard Core No. 183, Build 33
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
-Expunged Systems Noted - Check Ommitted
>Vitals Survey Canceled
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'SOL1', 'ASB44', 'AHCRD2'
---Channels closed: 'GPD18', 'SOTLB'
. . .Recording.




"Soldier Seda Artec speaking. Present location- Anomalous Draenor, Shadowmoon Valley, unspecified cliff face. Date is one, thirteen. Present hour is 05:12.

I am cold.

I often watch the sky of this region in expectance of sunlight. I am not certain I have reflected on the prominence of that celestial body prior to being exposed to an area dominated purely by the cover of night.

I have presently extracted myself from the garrison of Field Marshal Valron following formal dismissal. I have no intention to return barring further assignment. I have witnessed similar conduct in the past, during proper military enlistment. My sentiments were not desired during the course of that engagement either. Sentiment among fellow Servitors towards the conduct is overwhelmingly suspect. Perhaps further interaction will be diminished or corrective measures will be engaged as a result.

I have determined my present state as unwell. For corrective purposes I will be forgoing involvement in the depot today. I am uncertain what the cause of my present disturbance is. Self-diagnostics return inconclusive. I will attempt to reflect upon this during isolation.

Sensory and ambulatory aids are being temporarily halted. Logging devices will lose power shortly.   . . .Soon it will be dark.

I do not favor these stars."




Procedure complete.

Power to circuit 1 revoked.


Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 29
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: none




"I have removed the vitals readout from my suit. It seems improbable that they will be of purpose in the foreseeable future.


I have additionally resumed development of my previous Artec Core armor, as well. I am presently recording via it's systems.

My developmental efforts have stagnated due to multiple sources of distraction and drains of resources. I'll be attempting to recoup on some of this lost time by retrofitting and upgrading this new casing with external utilities of the current Peacekeeper Core suit, and integrating elemental combustion power into the Artec Core. Expectations at present are that advanced coolant now accessible to me will assist in diminishing difficulties of ventilation, as were previously posed during prior evaluation.


First test of the new inhibitor was today. It has not displayed any meaningful effects. I am hopeful that an alternative may be found before M becomes reliant on the original formula in any way.


Chest's hurting again.

It is likely attributable to the new iteration of the inhibitor formula. I will continue to monitor for updates."







Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 29
Power good.
Primary system boot. . .
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE
Power to devices and secondary functions. . .
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE
-Power allocation to designated circuits:
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE
---Channels open: 'SOL1'
---Channels closed: none




"It's been a while since I've actually tried to just... talk to someone.

I had been monitoring the conversation between Advisor Mindspanner and Sergeant Silverwright for several minutes prior to revealing my presence. I had no intention to intrude upon their conversation- indeed, I made every effort to disregard it. I instead focused on how to approach.

I descended the stairwell and stared at them. I felt foolish. I fabricated an excuse for my presence. But I am not certain that they took any particular note of this.


...I enjoyed talking with them.


I will be going to Karazhan in the future, evidently. Advisor Mindspanner has been adamant in warning us of it's potential danger. I am, at present, doubtful that anything it would be capable of inflicting upon me would be worse than the damage the Scourge has previously incurred. Let them try, I can find a way to choke a ghost out. In preparation I have accelerated the work on my new set of armor. It is admittedly likely to be performing at an inferior level prior to proper evaluation, tuning and additional improvements- but I believe the original plating has higher comparative potential.


Relatedly, I believe it would be best if I return to work. Ending log."







Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 31 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 




"Soldier Seda Artec speaking, recording from the Aerie Peak engineering bay, time of 23:26, date 3-28.


I... feel good.


Better than I have in years. I'm seeing things more vividly, hearing things more vibrantly-- I'm finally feeling comfortable in my own skin again. It feels amazing. I'd forgotten how it felt.

It's only been three days. Honestly, I'm a little surprised. More than a little- M took longer to really begin exhibiting effects, and her own process was accelerated. What does that even mean? Is it good? Bad? Am I even on an inhibitor at all? Is this one completely ineffective?

I need to consider the possibilities. I can't get wrapped up in the positives. That's how things go wrong. That's how I end up pumping poison into my body for four years. No, no. I'm doing this right this time. I have the time. I have the resources, and I can make this work. My heart's dead but I can feel a beat inside of me. I can make this work.


I'm getting ahead of myself. The inhibitor's one concern- there's another waiting ahead. Karazhan is sounding worse and worse, to frame it lightly. I don't like the prospects of the expedition. I'd prefer we get results from Dire Maul and leave this as a last resort-- but I trust the Commander's judgement, and if servitors are going there I'm going there to support them.

My new suit should be online again shortly. The first test run was... suboptimal. Still experiencing shortages, this time with some smoke and screeching gears. That's fine. Better that it fails now when I can lug it back to the workshop than in Karazhan. It'll be ready by then- I'm sure of it. Until then I still have my other hardsuit.


I think that's enough talk for now. Time to shut this down and get back to work.

Seda, signing off."






Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 31 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 





That... brawler is a little distracting.



Damnit, digressing already. This is Seda, recording from the workshop. Time is 15:13. Going to need to be quick, since I think the recorder's starting to frost over, and it wasn't tested for an internal temperature like this.


I'm at a bit of a problematic juncture at the moment. My current mental state is almost entirely clear. No complications. At the moment. I'm admittedly starting to feel some aggressive tendencies, but it's nothing major.

I'm also currently inside a suit that's got a few inches of padding made entirely out of frost right now, too. While the temperature was dipping for a while it's now becoming externally noticeable. I'm having ice crusting over my paneling and I've even had some mechanisms lock up. I can deal with most of it- The majority of this was fitted for Northrend deployment originally, after all. But it's going to be problematic if it grows any more noticeable, and I'm starting to grow concerned about what sort of progression this will have.

I can't stop putting it off. E-1 is a failure. Even if the aggression remains low I can't be spewing frost everywhere. I'm going to have to modify the formula, and I already have a new batch brewing. I'm not entirely certain that the base is a bust, but it definitely needs some iteration. I'd continue testing to see if the aggression evens out or not, but I can't risk freezing a Servitor in the process. So I'm moving on to E-2.


The main focus is on getting rid of this damn ice right now. If I can get rid of that things... seem like they'd be pretty good, I think. That's probably a little naive to say. It's never that easy.

...It is never that easy. But I'm going to hold out hope. Either way, I'm going to need to be serviceable when we're deployed to Karazhan. Right now E-1 is stable enough. If all else fails I can always drop back to that before the mission and be of a clear mind when we head to the tower.


I'm... not sure I'm ready to drop back to the original solution just yet."







Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 31 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 




"A dwarf walks by this lab every ten minutes.

It would be very easy to kill him."







Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 40 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
---INHIBITOR - 100%
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 





"Soldier Seda Artec speaking. It's nearing 15:30. I'm about to fly out to Deadwind.


I'm dying. My body will live on and I in spirit, but I remember these signs. My mind is clear. I can feel the aches starting. Soon I'll fade away, and after this week I hope it's for good.

I'm not angry. I'm afraid, but I'm ready. My heart is dead but my engine is racing for it. 


It's time for one last adventure.


My pulse is phlogiston, my heart is a roaring engine, my body is unbending metal. I'm ready. I am ready.


Serve and protect. Seda Artec, signing off."






"Indeed I am."


Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 40 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
---INHIBITOR - 100%
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 





"...It could have gone worse.


To be honest, I'm don't even feel bad about it.


I feel bad about other things- like the stabbing pain in my stomach right now. It's starting. I called it pretty well, I guess. Heh.



I feel a little selfish, looking at M and Violet. I feel terrible about it, certainly. I know that... I had a role to play in it all. I hope there's a solution in there somewhere, and it's a better one than the things I can devise. I look at them and I wonder if I should even try, though. I've had these feelings recently. They feel fiery, and anxious, and, real. They make me clamp up and meander around my words, they make me... fixate on ideas that are both improbable and unfounded.

...They'll 'go away', though. Won't they?

Even if I could find someone to be happy with.

Even if I know, inside, that that won't change...

I don't know if they could ever be happy with me?

...Even talking to myself I'm being pretty vague.


I'm ready for this to go away, and I hate to say that. My 'heart' is aching over this whole idea. I don't even really know what I'm talking about, really. The things I remember are all echoes of what I used to have. I don't know if it'll really feel the same. Maybe I'm just pining after something that used to make me happy.


I should let this go. Because I'm not sure it's going anywhere but downhill.


...Still. I like this whole 'hugging' thing. Been a while since that's happened.


<There's a sharp hiss, followed by a few pained gasps.>



I'm about to Deadwind, now. So I'm going to cut this here. There's more I need to talk about, but... Hey. I'm good at bottling things up. It's kinda my thing.


Seda, out."







Initializing. . .
-Power to ARTEC Core No. 2, Build 40 
Power good. 
Primary system boot. . . 
-Computational Engine. . . ONLINE 
Power to devices and secondary functions. . . 
-Arsenal Management System. . . ONLINE 
---INHIBITOR - 100%
-Power allocation to designated circuits: 
-Commlink reception test - - POSITIVE 
-Commlink transmission test - - POSITIVE 
---Channels open: 'SOL1' 
---Channels closed: none 





"I have conducted a self-diagnostic.


In roughly eight days I-I will... be fully under the influence of inhibitor. At most, I might make it near two weeks. That is an extreme and improbable case.




Need more time.

I'm such an idiot.

I still have things I want to do. Things I need to do. Things I--


Things I might not be stupid enough to do on my own later.


I have two things I'm going to do, before I let things fade away again. Two last things that I, Seda Artec, want to be fully myself for.


I'm going to make Meggi the best f-fucking cookies I can.


And I'm going to get Mottie out of that tower.


I'm going to do both before I'm gone, or I'm going to die trying.

...The c-cookies will probably be the ones that do me in.

Never did trust dwarven ovens.






...Humor's not making this any better."






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