The Spellweavers

Request for promotion

To: Advisor P. Graymind

Please be advised that I am seeking promotion to Sergeant. I gladly seek any input you may have about an appropriate non-combat event.

respectfully submitted,

Reddwyn Merriweather
Sergeant-Seeking Merriweather,

You are to plan and execute a public recruitment drive. Seek me out to nail down the particulars. We will develop a plan of action; this will be posted here and used to evaluate your success. I shall expect updates once a week at the minimum.

-Adj. Graymind

I require your assistance on a matter of personal import, my promotion task, which also happens to be one that impacts us all: A recruitment drive.

Attached please find my outline of the proposed action:

Mission Statement: Organize and lead a recruitment drive as a pre-requisite to promotion to Sergeant.

Objective: Increase awareness of the Servitors of Lothar outside of Alliance High Command with the goal of building awareness of our activites and interest in enlistment.

Focus: Intense, short duration, active recruitment drives in key capitol cities and trade hubs according to the following time table:

Week 1: Darnassus / Exodar

Week 2: Ironforge / Dalaran

Week 3: Stormwind

Resources: Two (2) Two-person elements alternating between mobile and static deployment. Each element equipped with fliers and brochures customized to the target audience. Large scale bulletin board, newsprint and daily post distribution to maximize footprint of drive.

Operational Tasks: Mobile Element - Move throughout the target Capitol verbally espousing the Viurtues of the Servitors as they pertain to the target demographic. Hand out fliers. Engage in direct conversation with High-Potential Recruits. Direct interested parties to Static Element.

Sample Draft of Darnassus Leaflet to follow under separate cover

Static Element - Note receipt of High Potential Recruits. Engage in passive verbal discussions with intersted parties. Utilize high impact acessories to attract attention (fireworks, balloons, exotic mounts, unusual weapons, trophies?) Collect information from High-Potential Recruits with a goal of finalizing an application and entrance interview.

Desired End State: A target Unit Strength of 50 Servitors after this and/or subsequent follow up recruitment drives.

I'd like to try to drum up the first drive this week, schedules permitting.

Seek me out or drop a post ... I'll be back from Theramore Monday evening.
(( Sunday Evening will be the first drive ... 5-6 pm server in Darnassus 7-8pm in Exodar. Just need a bit of RP regarding a gilnean pamphlet and a draenei one .. that means you Ax!

I'll probably try it again monday night too ... ))

From: Reddwyn
Subject: After Action Report: HGEC concurrent recruiting
Date: August 8th, 2012 6:36 pm (Forward) (Reply)
Conduct a recruitment drive concurrent with the Tuesday Social promoted and hosted by the Hummingbird Gnomish Expressed Coffee ("HGEC") to increase awareness of the Servitors of Lothar with the goal of building interest in enlistment.

General description:

Concentrating recruitment efforts into Cathedral Square based on (a) the presence of the greatest number of unaligned individuals and (b) utilizing the increase in foot traffic generated by the HGEC to increase exposure. Assisted by Soldier Wynchester and Applicant Castellon.

Significant issues:

(a) Large amount of collateral distraction, e.g., the HGEC itself, ancillary conversations and/or presence of large draconian mounts.

(b) Target audience continues to be resistant to active recruitment efforts, possibly due to the onset of a malaise in the adventurer demographic as a result of the destruction of Deathwing and/or previous commitments to other organizations

(c) Interested candidates were of poor quality


(a) Active interaction with individuals, regardless of inclusion in the target demographic, most likely resulted in increased awareness and exposure of the Servitors of Lothar as a viable option for militarily-inclined persons of interest.

(b) Target audience expanded to all inclined individuals regardless of apparent seasoning.

(c) Suggest that follow up efforts be continued on a bi-weekly basis unless otherwise provided.


A. Unnamed Worgen Ebon Blade ((Garradan))

Visual clues indicative of veteran status.
Cast aspersions as to the personal bravery of the Crown.
Exhibited fascination with death and morbidity.
Scoffed at farewell invoking the Light
UNSUITABLE [unlikely to reflect well on the Three Virtues]
B. Marla Edwards ((Mariale - Recent emigrant from Moonguard))

Confirmed little practical combat experience and formal priestly training
Stated recent completion of training
Considered implications of joining a unit in a rear echelon / medical capacity
APPLICATION POSSIBLE [Moderate Experience, flexible viewpoint]
C. Mellithan Glaivestorm, Kaldorei ((Mellithan))

Armed and equipped for Close Quarters Combat: Daggers and throwing knives
Experienced adventurer, especially against the Horde
Spoke favorably of Anduin Lothar and of the Virtues of Strength, Courage and Compassion
APPLICATION POSSIBLE [Might have aggressive anti-Horde attitude]
D. Brelnor Goldenbear, Bishop, ((Brelenor))

Currently unaffiliated with the Church
Spoke well of the Wildhammers as a clan
Favorably disposed to the Servitors and confirmed interaction with several of our number
APPLICATION UNLIKELY [Possible source of interracial coordination with Ironforge]
E. Unnamed Kaldorei Druid ((Walnut))

Asked of acceptance of druids
Inquired as to application process
Confirmed some field and combat experience
APPLICATION POSSIBLE [Insufficient information]
F. Gallaxius Scourgebane, Paladin ((Gallaxius))

Skirmish and some individual field experience, no formal small unit training
Expressed interest in goals and objectives, specifically relating to the Horde
Appeared overwhelmed by application and screening process
APPLICATION POSSIBLE [Raw but possibly trainable]
G. Ziichi Springheart, herbalist / medic ((Ziichi))

Exceptionally young, has no prior combat experience
Informal medical training, cook, herbalist
Did not display evidence of formal education
APPLICATION POSSIBLE [Recommend rejection as subject is immature, married and has three children. Divided loyalties likely]

Some applications possible of dubious quality. Subjects Edwards and Scourgebane of greatest potential merit.

Respectfully submitted,

Sergeant-Seeking Reddwyn Merriweather
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