The Guard

Reports from Ramkahen (IC)


I have secured passage into Ramkahen. The people here have met me with quiet suspicion and graciousness. The King is an intelligent and wise man, and we have struck a bargain allowing me to stay within the city and learn what I can. He is utterly uncompromising on the neutrality of his people, but as that was not my goal, I am content not to argue.

There is another woman here, human. A skulker. I intend to speak with her on the morrow and try to ascertain who she is working for. No one comes to Ramkahen for a vacation, as beautiful as this city is. My apartment is small but clean, and the bed has fresh rushes and no bugs. Also, they have given me something called a 'fig'. They are delicious.

Of note: The Ram still speak highly of Davvi. They disapprove of the 'rotten ones'. While they will not act overtly, I suspect we might still rely on a small measure of aid from them, when all is said and done. I shall continue to keep you posted.

Marshal Windblade

Adjutant Longsight:

Progress here is both steady and frustrating in turns. It seems every time I answer one question, two more pop up.

First, it should be noted that our fears vocalised in our last conversation were not far from the mark. By persistent questioning, I have confirmed that the Ramkahen do practice a specialised burial ritual that leaves the corpse well preserved. Further, they surround their departed with things they will need in the next life-- food and drink, certainly, but also weapons and armour and tools. Strangely, the Ram have said they did not create these rituals themselves, and have even hinted strongly that they have no need for them. Can it be they are immortal?

Second, by careful seeding of rumours, I have caught whispers that come flooding back to me. It is possible that the Neferset will have dealings with the Forsaken, could even give them what it is they seek. From what I have learned of the Neferset, it will be no use dealing with them. They have aligned themselves with Deathwing, and have little, if anything, in common with our friends in Ramkahen. I am seeking confirmation that the Forsaken have been in contact with them.

In the meantime, I would like permission to approach King Phaoris with an appeal for small trinkets to make a new package. I should like to send our Forsaken a surprise akin to what we discussed. Please find enclosed a primer of the Ramhaken language. Perhaps Doret or some other scrivener can create a 'mystic tome' to sweeten the pot. I should like for Mav or perhaps Brommidor to concoct a solution that is dangerous only when mixed. The 'tome' should include the precise instructions, couched in a promise for preservation gain. This will ensure that only those with nefarious intent will glean the cutting edge of our anger, and not an innocent. With these measures in place, I believe King Phaoris will permit us the ruse, as it will not endanger any who have not caused offense, and cannot come back upon the Ramkahen in retaliation, as it will be resemble the packages already being rerouted.

Please send words as soon as you can and let me know if I can move ahead with this.

Marshal Sigarni Windblade
Marshal Windblade:

We have permission to proceed with the booby-trapped package. Westfield has the Ramkahen language primer, and I've issued orders for our alchemists to develop a nasty surprise for anyone fool enough to actually try to concoct it.

You're doing a great job. It sounds as though we could aid the Ramkahen with these Neferset in such a way that King Phaoris and his people would not get the blame for it. Mention it to him and see if there are any particular outposts that he feels are of danger to his folk.

Figs are delicious, especially when stuffed with soft blue cheese and drizzled with honey.

Shadow's shelter,

Adj. Longsight

Adjutant Longsight:

I am pleased my plan was deemed viable. I hope that Westfield and the alchemists can come through in a timely fashion.

King Phaoris agreed to our plan, though it was only after much debate and assurances that this will, in no way, reflect back upon the Ramkahen. When I broached the subject of the Neferset, he became evasive. He says battle is not the answer, but in the next breath reminds me that I am a visitor from the world outside of Uldum, and how can he guess what the Two-Legs might do? For once, Uther proved useful-- I recognised it immediately as a feline tactic, and when I replied that I would venture forth to see more of his lovely lands for myself, I caught the gleam of approval in his eye. He also suggested I start south.

I've made arrangements with "Tiny" for a tour of Uldum. Once I have ascertained which areas might be most conducive to judicious tampering, I will send word. In the meantime, I will endeavour to continue to foster good will between the Ramkahen and the Servitors. I can happily announce that I've won over many of the vendors in the market. It seems there are certain places along the spine that the Ramkahen cannot reach for themselves. Still getting used to having flesh and fur, the itching can be unbearable. Luckily, I've clever fingers.

There are no female Ramkahen, Adjutant. Not here, anyway. I wonder if they are indeed immortal. Being a created race, I suppose there is no need for reproduction. I wonder if the Curse of the Flesh brought with it the Joys?

I hope you and ours are well.

Marshal Windblade
Adjutant Advisor Longsight:

Having returned safely from the desert sands of Uldum, here is my report.

    The decoy package was indeed rerouted, as we had hoped. I am certain that within the next 48 to 72 hours, we will hear somewhat of its detonation. As suggested over the GCD, I recommend extra watches for a while.

    While I, personally, did not see any evidence of what we discussed as possible motive for the interest of the Forsaken, it should be noted that I saw but a small slice of Uldum. The Ramkahen were gracious hosts, but it was never left in doubt that I was a visitor. There are many temples and half buried edifices scattered about the sands, however. I suspect that we may still yet be on to something. It should be noted that King Phaoris never confirmed nor denied my query of burial preparations, but neither did he disguise his sneer when he mentioned the 'Rotting Ones'.

    The Ramkahen still wish to remain, on a whole, a neutral people. They are content to live out their geis and protect Uldum. I did notice that the Neferset have a large city to the south of Uldum, where it seems most of them congregate. As the Neferset have aligned themselves with Deathwing, I can only suppose they are in an uproar currently. I suspect the Horde will send a delegation to snap up their loyalties. I propose we do the same with the Ramkahen. Perhaps now they will be more conducive to courting.

    The Ramkahen have a heartwarming appreciation for all things wooden. The smallest carved trinkets capture their fancy, and fetch ludicrous prices in trade. If the Servitors ever need funds, the Ramkahen can provide them at the cost of a couple of trees. The spices and silks alone would fetch more than fair prices in the markets of Stormwind.

    The crew aboard the ship that runs between the continents have an unflinching disapproval towards people who play bosun's pipes for fun and mischief. It should be noted, however, that the Captain did return my property when I disembarked. In my defense, it was a slow journey, and I was eager to be home.

    It is my suggestion that Doret Westfield receive a small token of appreciation for her masterful forgery, as well as the alchemists responsible for the potions. To this end, please find enclosed a personal recipe for a stamina potion, and three yards of the pinkest silk I could find.

Should you have any further questions or require clarification, I am, as ever, at your disposal.

Marshal Sigarni Windblade
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