
Lly's Family

Note: This is more of a reference for any and all who are interested in posting letters from Lly's family, or even playing one of them in the future.

Mum: Colleen Brannagh, "Collie" to her husband. She's nearing sixty, but still possesses an iron grip on her large family. Full of opinions and not afraid to speak them, she's to the point and nearly impossible to sway. Still, for all of her iron, she's got a warm streak in her that she expresses gruffly. She's still got a fine eye for jewelry making, though her more ostentatious pieces are far behind her. She often criticizes her daughter, but her tone tends to be more confused than biting.

Da: Malcolm Brannagh, Sr., "Colm" to his wife. He's two years older than his wife, a large man still. His hair's gone grey and he has to wear specs on his nose when he tinkers, but he's still got a quick mind. He speaks little enough, a defense mechanism of loving and living with Collie. Still, he's stolid and sure, and provides for his family with farm work and the mechanical wonders he tinkers with. A large portion of his business is toys, which he sells in the cities through agents. Perhaps it is the toys which keep him young at heart, when all of life presses upon him. He is largely befuddled by his daughter, but loves her as he loves all of his children.

Malcolm Brannagh, Jr. : "Malc" to most everyone who knows him. The eldest of the Brannagh clan is past forty. The years have been kind to him, leaving him strong and unbowed, though his black hair is beginning to have streaks of grey, and his middle is beginning to thicken. His bright blue eyes are still sharp, however. Malc is everyone's favourite, and he always seems to know what to say to make the tears stop flowing. He's steady, reliable, and careful in his simple way. A hard worker and a gentle father, he is married to Talis, who is nearly half his age, and they have three children, as of this past December. He has always loved Lly, and been her staunchest protector. She, in return, worships him. He makes a living on his farm, and trapping for furs in the winter. It was he who found Tod and Renard, and brought the fox cubs home to be raised.

Alasdair: "Alice" to anyone brave enough to dare-- or far enough away. He's a gentle soul though he'll take no guff, dark of hair and blue of eye, and not as thickly built as his brothers. Tall and gangly, he tends to speak quietly, and usually of how everything in the world is connected. He speaks often of circles, and takes exquisite care in his life to make no mark on his surroundings, seeking to live in harmony with all things-- to a point. If humans could be druids, it is certain Alasdair would be such. He still lives at home, helping Colm and Collie with their farm work. He is two years younger than Malcolm.

Fingal: "Finn" to his family. Fingal is tall and broad of shoulder, as are most of the Brannagh men. His hair is black, and his eyes are the dark chocolate cherry of mahogany wood. There is almost always a smile upon his lips, and time has carved deep laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. He's a fair hand with a fiddle, and can be a bit lazy if not watched, though he'll do his share of farm work if prodded. When Fingal is around, the room always seems brighter, and his laughter echoes about until it is picked up by others. He is a bit of a trickster, and is always pulling pranks. He never means offense, and if one of his jokes strikes its victim wrong, he is always quick to make amends in the quickest and most sincere of tones. Three years separate him and Alasdair. He's courted Bess Lingham for nigh near ten years, and has never made a move to jump the broom with her.

Kenneth: "Kenny" to his family. Kenneth came along five years after Fingal. He was a quiet man, content to work with his head down and his mouth closed. He was a willing accessory to any of Fingal's jokes, and even turned a few tricks himself, to his victims' eternal surprises. He spoke little, until the fever that took his life a few years ago. By the end, his ravings left him cracked of lip and dry of throat, and still he continued speaking, as if all the words he never said in his life rushed out to be used before his death.

Dalziel: "Dal" to his family. Of all the Brannagh men, Dalziel's size is equaled only by Donald. He is tall, broad of shoulder, with the neck of an ox. His hair is receding, but still dark as night, and his eyes are deep granite. Dalziel works, and works hard. His greatest joy comes in a job well done, and he likes things to be done in a particular fashion-- his. His hands are rough, his manners are rough, and even his voice is rough, though he has surprising skill on the flute, of all things. Booming with every sentence, Dalziel is, over all, an imposing man. Collie fears him not one whit, and is the only thing that can cow him into silence with just a look-- even if she has to tilt her head back to do it. He is 32.

Donald: "Donny" to his family. Donald is a near twin to Dalziel, despite the three years that separate them. It's been told that when he was born, Dal laid claim to him, calling him "his" baby. They have been inseperable, and their manner is much the same. Donny is slightly more quiet than Dal, and is content to let his older brother speak for him in most cases, as their opinions often run the same course. He and Dal live together on a farm, and work and live as two bachelors, uninterested in marriage.

Adair: "Dare" to his family, usually said with irony. Adair is as slight of build as Alasdair, and indeed, there is no doubting the two are siblings when they stand beside one another. Adair helps to run Jock's farm, though much of his time is spent with his own "special" plants, and he often stays up late into the night working on his experiments. It is best to always ask what something is if he offers you food or drink. Adair is twin to Jock, and they are two years younger than Donny.

Jock: Jock has no nickname from his family, as it would likely just confuse him. Jock is as broad as his twin is slim, and as slow as Adair is fast. Simple minded, Jock is a bull of a man, and a true gentle giant. His great horsey face is often split into a child's smile, and it is no accident that all of Colm's toy designs are tested by Jock. Jock loves to play the drum, and beats his big heavy hand upon it with surprising finesse, hooting and crooning along with the music, as he seldom remembers the words.

Euan: Euan has no nickname, nor does he own a farm. Much like his little sister, Euan was bitten by the Wander bug, and became a sailor. For a long while, he would send letters and small trinkets home from all the places he sailed. He has not been heard from in nearly three years, and it is unknown if he is alive or dead. He is three years younger than the twins.

Cameron: "Cam" to his family and just about every woman in a ten mile radius. Cameron bounces from farm to farm, lending a hand where needed, and sometimes disappearing for weeks at a time. His wanderlust is limited to the next lifted skirt, and he has the reputation of being a ladies' man. He's never married, and likely never will, though he is still young, being only 23. There's no doubt that since he learned what his prick was for, there's been a larger number of black haired, green eyed babes born around Lakeshire and its surrounding areas, though. He's a handsome man, with a devilish smile that practically unlaces the girls' drawers all of itself.

Lachlan: "Lack", sometimes "Lackwit", though usually only outside of his hearing or by Malc to his face. Lachlan is the youngest of the Brannagh boys, and would have been the baby, if not for the sudden appearance of Llyewell. He's slight of build, partly because he is so very fast to shirk his duties whenever possible. He lives with Collie and Colm, and makes absolutely no disguise of his plans to inherit their place when they're gone. He is a weasel in human flesh, and like a weasel, is dangerous when cornered. He is kept in line by the elder brothers, mainly Malc and Dal, but if not watched, he will do whatever he thinks he can get away with. He has a nearly burning hatred for Llyewell, which has always manifested in pinches and slaps and wheedling attempts to get her in trouble. If there is criticism to be made of his sister, you can bet it will be his voice sounding first and loudest. Of late, his hatred has become more focused, and his pinches and slaps have become more frequent and violent. She tries to avoid being alone with him whenever possible. He is but one year older than she.
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