
Welcome Guide


Welcome to the Servitors of Lothar!


The Servitors and You: What You Need to Know

Welcome to the guild!

Last edited by M. Mindspanner on Jul. 12th, 2018 1:15 pm; edited 10 times in total

General Style of Guild Events

This isn’t a mandatory set of rules we require you to follow when DMing, and there are many variations of this theme, but here’s what’s become the general method of event running in the guild over the past few years.


What We Ask:

Come ready for fun and to pay attention! Please don't play other games or on another account while attending an event, as it's disrespectful to the DM. Be ready to embrace failures as well as successes. Play your class at least loosely as it is ingame and try not to bring in spells from other online games or table top games. For example: Azeroth warlocks are very little like D&D warlocks. Please try to stick to ingame abilities for your class. Here is a post that goes into more detail about attitude and etiquette.



Some DMs use HP - health/hit points - to add an element of risk to an event. The general default is 10 HP, but this can be increased or lowered depending on the situation. Most attacks do 1 HP of damage, with others doing 2-3 HP of damage. The DM will generally say what HP has been lost if your character has been it. If you’re unsure, ask!



Most of our DMs don’t share exactly how much damage, numbers-wise, attacks do, or how much HP an enemy has, because of the risk of meta-gaming information that a character ICly would not know. If you’re running an event, it’s up to you how you want to handle player damage and enemy health. Talk to an experienced DM if you’re unsure!


Initiative and Combat:

To get our turn order, before the start of combat, we all /roll out of 100 for initiative. The highest number goes first, down to the lowest last. Some of us DMs put our character last in the order by default as that can make it easier on us to run an event. Make sure to keep an eye on the turn order, as even a few long delays between posts can make an event run over its scheduled length.

Sometimes, an enemy attacks first as we enter combat, so be sure to pay attention to what the DM is posting.

All rolls are out of 100, but we allow padding a roll up to 30 if a character is proficient in that skill. For example, M is a skilled rogue, so I would be allowed to pad 30 for things like stealth checks or lockpicking. A trained healer can pad up to 30 for healing rolls. A standard, non padded roll is just /roll. A padded roll is /roll [number]-100, so for example: /roll 30-100.

For dodging or defense rolls, the standard is that no padding is allowed, which means that all rolls are straight /rolls out of 100. Priest shields, a druid’s ironbark, and similar can grant some amount of padding, but the DM is in control of when and how that can be played out. See the section on buffs for more information.

Generally, a combat round lasts roughly six seconds total ICly and most attacks happen simultaneously. Bear that in mind when considering what your character can do -- they only have a few seconds to run, cast, or attack.

 Only one attack is allowed per turn.


The gist of a combat round looks something like this:


A bear charges out of the woods! Everyone, roll initiative.


Bromm rolls 63.

Jo rolls 83.

Seda rolls 40.

M rolls 10.


Turn order: Jo, Bromm, Seda, M.


Jo attacks! He posts a description of what Jo does and then rolls, padding for proficiency if applicable.

After Jo attacks, the DM rolls for the enemy’s - in this case, the bear’s - defense and/or dodge. If it’s higher than Jo’s attack roll, the enemy successfully defends or dodges against the attack.

That ends Jo’s turn.


Bromm attacks, posting his description only after the DM has rolled against Jo.

After Bromm rolls his attack, the DM rolls against him, and we continue down the initiative order until we’ve all gone. Make sure to only post after the DM has rolled against the person before you and to only emote on your turn while in combat.


After we’ve all gone, the enemy or enemies we’re facing go. For example:


The bear swipes at M! M dodge vs: -- and the DM will roll, potentially padding, to attack M. M will roll to dodge. If the attack roll is higher than M’s defense/dodge roll, M gets hit and takes -1 HP of damage unless informed otherwise. We continue down the line of enemies until they’ve all gone.


Some DMs do separate initiatives for enemies, which means their attacks will be intermixed in our turn order, so pay attention to the DM’s style. If there’s a variation off of the standard style listed above, it’s usually mentioned at the outset as a reminder. If you yourself have a markedly different style of DMing, make sure to share it with others before the event starts to prevent confusion.



A character with healing capabilities, magical or nonmagical, can use their action on a turn to heal someone. Like an attack, there can only be one heal action per turn. If your character is proficient in the kind of healing they're attempting, a padded roll of up to 30 is allowed. A roll of under 40 is not enough to completely close the wound and the player does not regain any health. Two failed healing attempts on the same injured player count for one full heal. The healer must keep track of this themselves. All heals count for +1 healing. Bear in mind that some undead characters are unable to be healed by magical means and that the Light, while not inherently damage causing, will be very painful.


Some characters are specialized into group-wide protection spells and buffs. For instance, buffing the party to try and increase their defenses, or in mechanical terms, add a +10 to dodge rolls. Another example is using a priest's bubble to shield another player from an incoming blow, absorbing it entirely.

As with attacking and healing, if they're trained and proficient, padding of up to 30 is allowed on their roll.

A player wanting to buff the party/bubble a player/etc will need to roll out of 100 to see how successful this spell will be. If they roll under 50, the spell can be interpreted as diverting lethal or extremely damaging blows but not adding defense enough to pad dodge rolls. It is up to the players how to handle this. If the player rolls 50 or above, the spell is successful and all buffed players can pad their dodge roll. It is up to the players to remember to do this. In the case of priest shields, a successful roll will allow the absorbing of the next incoming attack, whatever that might be. A critical success (rolling a 100) will extend that to two rounds of absorption. Again, it is up to the player to remember this.


Critical Successes and Failures:

There is always a chance of catestrophic failure. If rolling an unpadded roll, a 1 is a critical failure. Depending on the situation, it is up to either the player or the DM to handle the consequences of a crit fail. During a round of combat, it will be up to the DM, but in more free-form RP it can be handled by the player. A crit fail doesn't always mean extreme injury - it could mean a dramatic failure to sneak past an enemy, for example - but there will be fun and exciting consequences.

When rolling a padded roll, the lowest possible number (usually 30) can be treated as a softer crit fail if the moment calls for that dramatic tension. It is much more rare and up to the DM's discretion.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, rolling a 100 is a critical success. When attacking, this typically means you did so well that you did double the damage on a target. When being attacked by an enemy, it means the same and the player usually takes -2 health (or more). Perception/investigation and other skill check rolls usually provide more information or a more resounding success.

 Critical successes and failures have no impact while rolling initiative.


The Rule of 69:

Because we’re a mature guild of adult people, we make only classy jokes. It’s not a requirement, but if a 69 is rolled, the attack, dodge, or any emote connected to the roll can be sexy. What that means is up to you (and sometimes the DM).


Last edited by M. Mindspanner on Jan. 7th, 2020 10:52 am; edited 2 times in total

GHI Items

Here's all the official guild GHI items' import codes in one place, minus the COMM which is linked above. 


Servitor Sign and Signals:

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Servitor Handbook:

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Rules of Engagement:

[Coming soon, whenever GHI updates.]


Crimson Aiguillette (worn ONLY by members with a collateral officer position)

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Gold Aiguillette (worn ONLY by officers)

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Servitors Basic First Aid Kit

Pastebin link.

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