Dear Diary

A Study in Violet: SoL


This little brown book is entirely unassuming save for a curious sigil emblazoned on the cover. However, should anyone attempt to open it, they would find it sealed shut, tightly bound by some arcane cantrip. Within, the pages are filled with flowing, curving script, all written with the same uniform violet ink. Judging by the contents found therein, it appears to be a diary or journal of some sort, the entries seemingly made at random, even out of order at times. The only constant is the signature penned at the end of each entry. "T.L.M"




Entry #1

July 27th


A week has passed since I joined the ranks of these so-called 'Servitors of Lothar'. They are everything I imagined they would be: proud, loyal, companionable. Everything I have come to expect from the Alliance military. They are not unlike the Collective, these Servitors, though at times they seem more like a familial commune than an active platoon of fighting men and women. They base themselves in Aerie Peak, the ancestral home of the Wildhammer clan. The entire place reeks of Dwarf, but so far, I've kept my head and refrained from mentioned it. After all, courtesy is the foundation of good diplomacy.

Even with my exceptional talent for remembering names and faces, I find it hard at times to keep them all straight in my head. For future reference, I will take note here for those worthy of mention:


  • Etharion Longsight - Commander of the Servitors   (An honorable Night Elf with a sound mind and a keen eye. )
  • Brommidor Stonebrow - Guard Advisor   (He is a Dwarf, along with everything that entails.)
  • Roiya Shadowpaw - Advisor   (Another Elf, a priestess of some kind, as well as a new mother. Protective.)
  • 'M' Mindspanner- Advisor   (A dead Gnome, shockingly enough. Lack of emotion associated with the undead. Avoid arousing suspicion.)
  • Jo Silverwright - Sergeant   (The Felcaster. Intelligent, though clearly lacking in wisdom. Watch carefully.)
  • Nelmadge Boltscrew - Sergeant   (An eccentric Gnome who somehow manages to be more disgusting than the dead one.)


There are others, of course, that I have not mentioned here. Brightweld, Megavox, and Creekwhisper to name a few. For now, they are irrelevant. Perhaps once the Servitors come to trust and accept me , there will be more to say. But until that time comes, I will keep a safe distance, lest they begin to pry. It would be a shame if I was forced to lie to them. I will continue to maintain a low profile while they finish their operations in Shadowmoon Valley, though I will eagerly provide aid as requested. The more willing I appear to be, the easier my transition into their ranks will be.

I received a wound during to the left arm during our engagement above the demonic gateway, though so far I have managed to avoid having any of the healers examine it. When I've the time, I will hopefully be able to find some outside source to properly tend to the burned flesh. Until then, it will remain under wraps to avoid any casual scrutiny. I must also take care when confronting the Felcaster. Though I loathe to speak with her, it seems that she is held in high regard with the rest of the Advisors. So, for now, I must 'play nice'.

Tomorrow I will contact Tanria and inform her of my current situation here. No doubt she may wish to stop by for a visit, although I must ask myself whether or not that is wise. No matter. That is a concern for another day.





Taldin LaMaunte, ESQ.

Entry #2

July 30th



The deed is done. The ritual was a success.


It is a curious thing to bring back someone back from the land of the dead. There are rules that must be observed, laws that must be obeyed, and, as ever, there is always a cost. It is difficult enough when the individual in question has been dead for anything longer than a few days, but for their body also to be broken and scattered... Well, let it never be said that I turned away from the challenge. Necromancy is a foul magic, both in principle and for making me into what I am today. Personally, I am of the opinion that what is dead should say dead. But a promise is a promise. I can't imagine why anyone would ask for this.

The Pandaren was in poor condition when we found him. His limbs were mangled and shattered, unsuitable for our purposes. In this one instance, I was glad for lessons I had learned among the Fleshcrafters of the Undercity. We took him apart and then put him back together again, like some macabre children's toy, though the final outcome was far from desirable. It is not the form he would have wanted, nor the one he would have chosen, but the dead cannot be picky. Then, once the vessel was ready, we began. I will not put down on paper what we did to Mister Lang last night... but in the end, it was worth it. Or so at least it seemed. He has come back, no longer whole, but no longer departed either. He will make a new life for himself out of this wretched unlife, just as we all must.

Just as I have.



Thankfully, I was able to return to the Aerie without comment or concern. It seems that many of the Servitors frequently depart unannounced to return to their families and homes, so I doubt my absence was much noticed. Though they may be understanding towards what I have done, it will be best if I do not tell them. What I do outside of their knowledge will not hurt them.

For now, I can rest easy knowing that my work is done and the bargain has been upheld. The Servitors, for their part, seem convinced that a demonic invasion is just around the corner. I am far less certain. The ravings of a few madmen are not enough to convince me that the end of the world is upon us. A woman took her own life right in front of us this evening, a quick stab with a knife to her own heart, and they see some greater plot surrounding it. All I see is the sad end to the life of a sad individual. 

In brighter news, they have managed to gain access to the communication network used by Legion forces in Shadowmoon Valley and the surrounding area. I must admit, I am keen to learn what I can from these communications, if only to be made aware in advance as to what they are planning.

I have made progress in gaining the trust of my comrades, at least in some small way. I stayed behind to assist the Guard Advisor in destroying the demonic forge below Shadowmoon and proved myself a valuable asset during the fighting that night. While there still is a mutual animosity between myself and Sergeant Silverwright, I have enjoyed the company of both Izarre and the rest on more than one occasion. However, I must take steps to avoid any 'unfortunate incidents' involving the Light in the future, lest all my work be for not.



Taldin LaMaunte, ESQ.

Entry #3

August 23rd



I was surprised to find this journal still intact upon my return to the Keep. Ironic, given everything else that has been lost.


How does one sum up all that has occurred with just a few sentences, a few pages? Our worst fears have come to pass. The Legion has come. My own home has been taken from me and I was forced to join the Servitors on their trek across the continent. The journey was an arduous one. Time and time again, we were faced with the threat of demonic forces, yet still we managed to overcome. However, there were still losses. An Ebon Knight in their service was slain, brought low by the hand of an Eredar disguised as one of their own brothers. I suppose there is a lesson to be learned there, a fatal reminder as to the consequences of letting down your guard, even for a moment. They will be in mourning for some time.

During the final push to reconnect our scattered forces, Sentinel Shadewhisper was also lost. The others have taken her death even harder than the first. I am not surprised. Even I could see that she was close to them, a close comrade to some, practically family to others. To me, she was neither, so I cannot pretend to feel any regret or remorse at her passing. But she was a skilled professional in the field, and that alone I can respect. I can only hope that there was no pain for her in the end.

And now, against all odds, I find myself back in the Aerie, though everything has changed. We are at war once more. My secret, safe for many months, will not last under the watchful gaze of the Illidari that have joined our ranks. Stormtalon knows and that alone is troubling. It is only a matter of time before the rest hear of it. I must prepare.



Taldin LaMaunte, ESQ.
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