The Scouts

The Little Black Box


Somewhere in the infirmary now sits a small, black, wooden chest.  It has three key holes on the front, just beneath the seam where the lid is snugly attached.  Each is surrounded by a decorative metal plate in the shape of a book, a shield, and a dagger.

With the keys from each advisor, the chest can be opened, revealing two compartments within.  In the front of the box are a collection of folded and sealed pieces of parchment, each bearing the name of a Servitor.  The majority of the box is a rack of vials, ranging in color from a pale, sickly green to a vibrant pink.  Each vial's label corresponds to one of the parchments.  In the lid is a single line of stoppered vials, each bearing the symbol of a different race and one of the Ebon Blade.  Pasted into the lid, above the vials, is a separate sheet of parchment, with bold, clear print.


Each contingency plan contained herein has been personalized for its intended target.  A single vial of each toxin has been prepared and stored, along with a set of instructions for safe and efficient application and restraint, as well as a recipe to reproduce the toxin.

Also included are vials for use on each of our allied races, as well as one suited for Death Knights.

At the top of the stack of sealed parchments lies a single unsealed sheet.  

Human Tree oil, mind-numbing poison, heavy tranquilizer
Gnome Tree oil, mind-numbing poison, mild sedative
Worgen Moonwell water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative, wolfsbane extract
Dwarf Ethanol, tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison
Draenei Holy water, mind-numbing poison, paralytic
Pandaren Ethanol, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative
Kaldorei Moonwell water, mind-numbing poison, sedative
Quel'dorei Moonwell water, mind-numbing poison, bloodthistle, tranquilizer
Death Knight Holy water, anticoagulant, paralytic


Should the remaining parchments be unsealed, their contents are to follow.  The scout advisor's office may have a sealed file with similar information.


Last edited by Leatei on Jul. 12th, 2016 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
M 10% Holy water base, 30% anticoagulant, 60% paralytic Ranged injection directly to knees and/or ankles, followed by disconnecting prosthetics from her spine. Suggested four doses of inhibitor to follow. Note formula contains larger than normal paralytic dose for a typically sized gnome.
Cup Mind-numbing poison, bloodthistle, mild sedative Coated blade or syringe, blade preferred, standard restraint, warm room.
Eth Moonwell water base, mild paralytic, standard sedative Ranged injection via arrow or blow dart preferred, light restraints
Thoran Moonwell water base, wolfsbane, heavy sedative, mild paralytic Ranged injection via arrow or blow dart if possible, syringe preferred over coated blade, moistened leather or rope restraints to allow for size change.
Essilte Moonwell water base, mind-numbing poison, mild sedative Ranged application preferred, topical application may be suitable, standard restraint and seclusion in fire-proof facility.
Roiya Moonwell water base, mind-numbing poison, heavy tranquilizer Ranged injection is all but necessary. Blow darts or arrows. Metal restraints and seclusion.
Cere Moonwell water base, mind-numbing poison, mild sedative Ranged injection if at all possible, avoid close quarters. Magical or moistened leather restraints in case of shifting forms
Sky Moonwell water base, heavy tranquilizer, mild sedative Ranged injection preferred, beware of shadows and movement in combat. Standard restraint and isolation.
Seda Holy water base, anticoagulant, mind-numbing poison, heavy paralytic Direct injection to torso via syringe or coated blade, saronite-based restraints.
Fro Moonwell water, heavy sedative, mild hallucinogen Direct injection via syringe or coated blade preferred, coated arrow may be possible. Full restraint and seclusion in well-lit room, beware of proximity to warlocks or demons.
Anthus Holy water, mild tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative Ranged injection preferred, dart or syringe before a coated blade. Standard restraint and seclusion, well-lit room.
Avo Moonwell water, mild sedative, paralytic Ranged injection if possible, beware of arrows in return. Restraints to allow for possible shifting of forms.
Jo Blessed salt water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative Injection imperative, coated blade likely ineffective due to nature of curse. Suggest fiber rope restraints and seclusion not near bodies of water.
Carmina Holy water, double dose of mind-numbing poison, mild sedative Direct injection preferred, ensure injection has occurred due to possible Light-shielding. Metal restraints.
Iz Holy water, heavy tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison, mild sedative Coated blade or direct injection preferred, magic-resistant restraints and isolation.
Bae Holy water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative Direct injection if possible, ensure proper application. Magic-resistant restraints and seclusion.
Hank Tree oil, mild paralytic, heavy sedative Ranged injection if possible, metal restraints
Keydyn Moonwell water, heavy sedative, mild paralytic Ranged injection if possible, also standard tranquilizer for presence of companion. Metal restraints and seclusion.

Last edited by Leatei on Jul. 19th, 2016 12:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Eruus Holy water, heavy tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Coated blade or direct injection preferred to ensure penetration. Metal restraints and isolation
Cal Moonwell water, paralytic, heavy tranquilizer Ranged injection preferable, but must be caught unaware, else will need a syringe to fit between scales of bark on his skin. Moistened leather or magical restraints to allow for shapeshifting.
Bromm Holy water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative Direct injection or coated blade preferable, ability to shield against penetrating the skin, ambush or surprise attack necessary. Magic-resistant restraints.
Dex Tree oil, double dose of mind-numbing poison, mild sedative Ranged injection if possible, coated blade before dart or syringe. Loss of consciousness is imperative due to strength of spellwork. Restraints must be resistant to same.
Masana Holy water, anticoagulant, heavy tranquilizer, mild paralytic Ranged injection preferred, beware of unarmed attacks. Heavy saronite restraint and isolation.
Meg Tree oil, heavy tranquilizer, mild sedative Ranged injection imperative, beware fist strikes in particular. Metal restraints and seclusion.
Quin Holy water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative, mild paralytic Coated blade or direct injection preferable, watch for shielding. Metal restraint and isolation.
Li Ethanol base, paralytic, heavy tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Coated blade or direct injection preferred to ensure fur is pierced. Metal restraint and seclusion.
Jude Tree oil, mind-numbing poison, mild sedative, tranquilizer Ranged injection preferred, beware of spellwork. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Lyyn Tree oil, mild sedative, tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Ranged injection preferred, beware of stealth tactics. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Elerien Moonwell water base, double mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative, mild tranquilizer Ranged injection imperative, beware of spellwork and cunning. Magic-resistant restraints and isolation.
Lav Moonwell water base, heavy tranquilizer, mild sedative Ranged injection preferable, beware of brute strength. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Chalybs Tree oil, mind-numbing poison, mild tranquilizer, paralytic Ranged injection imperative - blow dart or coated arrowhead. Beware of spellwork, magic-resistant restraints and isolation.
Bey Moonwell water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative. Direct injection preferred, beware spellcasting and healing, possible poison expulsion. Rapid restraint allowing for shapeshifting and seclusion.
Lammy Ethanol base, heavy tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Ranged injection preferred, beware elemental allies and possible companions. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Jenn Holy water, heavy sedative, tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Coated blade or direct injection preferred to ensure entry into bloodstream despite armor. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Nel Tree oil, heavy tranquilizer, sedative, paralytic Ranged injection imperative, beware extreme muscle strength beyond expectation. Reinforced restraints, seclusion.
Davvi Tree oil, sedative, mild tranquilizer, mind-numbing poison Ranged injection preferable, but beware armor and mechanical assistance. Standard restraint and isolation, after removal of devices that may assist escape.
Shivs Tree oil, tranquilizer, heavy sedative Coated blade or direct injection, beware speed and retaliation. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Mae Moonwell water, mind-numbing poison, heavy sedative, mild paralytic Direct injection preferred, beware spellcasting and healing, possible poison expulsion. Rapid restraint allowing for shapeshifting and seclusion.
Franklin Moonwell wtaer, paralytic, mild sedative, tranquilizer Coated blade or direct injection preferred to ensure entry into bloodstream despite armor. Standard restraint and seclusion.
Connie Tree oil, mind-numbing poison, sedative, mild tranquilizer Ranged injection preferred, beware possible demonic servants and spellcasting. Magic-nullifying restraint and isolation.
Taldin Holy water Tree oil base, Mind-numbing poison, mild tranquilizer, paralytic Ranged injection preferable, beware of spellcasting and illusions. Standard restraint and isolation.
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