
Draenei Lexicon


Let's start off with what Blizz gave us for official, canon language.




Drae - Exile

EI - One

Combined together, Draenei means "Exiled Ones" in reference to those exiled, fleeing from Argus.

-i - Seems to carry no semanic meaning, but is used to form an adjective or noun, as seen in "Sha'naari Wastes" or "Sha'tari."

Kure - Redeem, as used in Kurenai.

-nai - Used to form a past tense of a verb, as seen in "Kurenai" meaning, Redemed when placed together.

Or - Refuge, as seen in Draenor, combined they make the meaning Exile's Refuge. Also seen in Karabor, Orebor, etc.

Tar - Born,

Ttrath - Dwelling, as seen in Shattrath.

Sha - Light. Referring to the Light, or the Holy Light.


Phrases Blizz gave us:

Note: All of this is considered canon


"Achal hecta" - Good day.

"Archenon poros" - Good fortune.

"Melanora'aca" - Hello, friend. A common greeting.

"Dioniss'aca" - Safe Journey.

"Draenei" - Exiled Ones.

"Draenor" - Exile's Refuge.

"Eredar" - originally used to mean the race that the Draenei decended from. Now used to mean those who made transformations into their demonic forms by their allegiance to the Burning Legion.

"Krokul" - Broken.

"Krona ki cristorr!" - The Legion will fall! In refrence to the Burning Legion. A common greeting.

"Man'ari" - Unnatural beings. Previously, it didn't have a direct translation, but was used to reference "Something that was hideously and fundamentally wrong." Often used to describe Eredar.

"Ma-no icta!" - Double your efforts!

"Pheta vi acahachi!" - Light give me strength!

"Sha'tar" - Born from the Light.

"Shattrath" - Dwelling of the Light.

"Fanlin'Deskor" - Amber skies over wonderous rock.

Draenic Lexicon:


Common Verbs:

Verbs are special in the draenei language in the way that they never change – only the suffix changes at all. The base form of all verbs is A’, such as A’chako, which means ‘To drink’. Apostrophes are incredibly important in draenei language. The suffixes for the rest of the prounouns follow:


Eros - Male/He.

Eras - Female/She.

Ein - I.

E'dos - You.

Kiel - It.

Atos - You (Plural)

Ietos - We (Pronounced Ay-tohs)

A'chako - To drink.

A'deit - To see.

A'dota - To give.

A'echoun - To loose.

A'chal - To have/gain

A'eidthi - To disgust, or to be disgusted. Eidthi is simply a disgusting thing.

A'katavaro - To eat, consume, goggle up, etc.

A'kiel - To do.

A’mili – To talk, to say, to chat.

A’tala – To trouble.

A’thuma – To please.



Akata'eros/eras - Male/Female Rogue.

Apsid'eros/era - Male/Female Death Knight (Actually translates to 'animated')

Shalti'eros/eras - Male/Female Paladin. Also Eiatro, Eiostra. Epolto means vindicator, Eiatro means mender, and Eiostra means protector. Draenei have a large focus around paladins.

Kalon'eros/eras - Male/female warlock.

Kyni'eros/eras - Male/female hunter.

Paraxen'eros/eras - Male/female magic user (mage). Colloquially, a 'paraxen' is a magic user with good intent, and a 'kalon' is a magic user with evil intent. A warlock could be a paraxen, and a mage could be a kalon.

Polemi'eros/eras - Male/female warrior.

Peithra'eros/eras - Male/female monk.

Opado/Ieila - Priest/priestess. Draenei have their own titles for priests - this translates to 'anchorite' in common.

Zomeno'eros/eras - Finally, shaman. Zomeno means 'user', used in a derogatory manner like the english 'tool'. The correct, honorable title for shaman would be a paraxen or polemi, given their specialization.




Vrachei – The humans (ambitious ones).

Dastrei - The dwarves (shaggy ones).

Draenei – The exiled ones.

Kotikei – Elves (general use). Kaldorei, night elves. Queldorei, high elves. And so on…

Mikrei – Gnomes (short ones).

Evkanei – Worgen (wild ones).

I would like to note that there is no word for ‘pandaren’. It is simply ‘Pandaren’.




Eidthi – A very ugly thing or person.

Ekliein, Ekliedos – My desire, your desire.

Epolani – A foolish person or thing. Also, a foolish notion. (Let’s charge head first into that crowd of angry monsters! Epolani!)

Soran – savior, hero, favored friend, and very rarely, lover.

Talaein, Talaedos – My trouble, your trouble.

Thuma’resa – Pleasing to the heart.

Thumein, Thumedos – My pleasure, your pleasure.

Kre'eros - Brother.

Kre'eras - Sister




Antiana – Goodbye.

Antiana kalo korah – Goodbye, dear friend. (Do /bye enough on your female draenei and you’ll hear this)

Archenon Poros – Greeting, usually goodbye. It means ‘May the journey be enough’.

Jeso – Hello.

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